Finally Earn The Mated Pair Title! Eggs


Keri- Thank you for the info. I will go and get a small heater for the 3 gal. rearing tank. I am in need of a new one anyway. I will use the one I have in my 10 gal.
Jammin- glad you checked it out. Hope you like it, for a late xmas present you're getting a clownfish.
Bos- thanks for the thread, it has a blueprint of her setup and what to feed.
I feed the fry some brine and could see it opening its mouth and eating. I shut the airstone off and the hatched brine went to the bottom as the unhatched floated to the top. I used a turkey baster to retrieve the live on the bottom. So far so good. New eggs will be transfered tomorrow.


You really don't have to do that :) I don't know the first thing about taking care of saltwater fish lol. I always wanted to back in the day but heard it was sorta expensive to get into. I know Jason really likes yours, he's been talking about them alot. We have alot of learning to do I know that.


Active Member
jam, this is the absolute best place to learn right here on this message board, the people on here will help you out a ton, i know they have me, and im still setting up my first tank LOL
ask chas, he'll tell you that i drive people nuts half the time with the number of questions i ask


Nothing new for tonight. Fry is still eating the brine very well. Do I need to buy an enrichment to feed the baby brine? If so what and where can I get it? I had to work late tonight do to the bad weather so I will not get done what I wanted to. I will be off tomorrow and need to do a 100% water change in the 3 gal with the fry. I will be putting a new heater in that tank. I will be setting up the 10 gal in order to transfer the new batch of eggs to get ready for hatching. I am going to meet the seller to pick up my light that I purchaced for the DT. I will then go to the U of I basketball game tomorrow night. I t will be a busy day. i think that the fry looks more and more like a clownfish each day. It is very neat to watch, I hope that it survives. I will update tomorrow and add some new pics either Wed or Thurs.


Originally Posted by dustyboy316
Good luck man, keep us updated.
Oh and can you give me a few quick definitions of this whole process. Thanks.
what questions do you have. I have had a lot since starting this thread. I have asked questions along the way and usuually get an answer from someone on here with experience. I have tried to post everything that I have done to help others. Any questions you have just ask and I will help and if not someone will read and give the .02.


OK, so far good start to the day. I went and got a new small heater and did the water change in the 3 gal. The one fry gave me a scare this morning, may have just been sleeping, but I thought it was dead. i blew some air at him with the turkey baster and he started swimming around. Seem sfine now, in new water with some new baby brine. I am now on the mission of setting up the 10 gal for the new batch of eggs.


Transfer of the second batch is complete. I took the rock witht he eggs out and have in a 10 gal with heater and air stone. Next to it is the 3 gal with the one remianing fry from the first batch of eggs. I was attacked by my adult clowns while trying to ge the rock out of the DT. I guess if nothing else this is keeping me on a regular water change schedule for my DT as I am using water from it for the water in both rearing tanks and their water changes. Here are some pics. the first is of the tanks, second is the second batch of eggs, and the third is the fry, hard to see but he is orange colored in the middle of the pic by the air line and bubbles.



Pics didn't turn out that bad I guess. OK, I am going to get ready so I can go pick up my light for the DT. I may post more tonight or tomorrow.


Came home tonight to find my fry dead. Very bummed out, even though I did not think I would have success with this first batch. I am hoping that I can get more fry from the second batch and have some success.


fry was 12 days old. I have to get through the Baby Brine shrimp stage with this next batch. I believe that after that I am on frozen cyclopeaze. ROD or BANG or anyone else with knowledge- what help can you offer for me to get through this stage? What do I need to offer the Brine if anything? I feel like I was almost there.?


I just read that I should have been offering rotifers as well as the brine. I was not doing this and therefore I see a problem. I also read that usually by day 14 the are starting metamorphosis and that is a hard time to get through. I knew this was going to be a learning experiese and I hope that I can learn from my mistakes. I also see that vitamins and trace elements are to be added to help get through metamorphosis. I have some Essential Elements from Kent Marine, will this work? Also, I think that the Essential Elements is a year or so old, does it go bad? Along that I have some Purple Up that is from the same time frame, good or bad? I know I willnot add purple up to my rearing tank, it would be for my DT, if I use it.


Almost all the eggs hatched yesterday. There are a good number of fry in the tank. Hope they can ,ake it throught metomorphosis this time.

rod buehle

Originally Posted by chasar
fry was 12 days old. I have to get through the Baby Brine shrimp stage with this next batch. I believe that after that I am on frozen cyclopeaze. ROD or BANG or anyone else with knowledge- what help can you offer for me to get through this stage? What do I need to offer the Brine if anything? I feel like I was almost there.?
After the baby brine I used to use frozen cyclop-eeze as a weening diet to frozen foods, but for the past year or so I have been using anoter type of frozen food that seems to work even a little better than teh cyclop-eeze. It is a frozen coral food, and can cause water quality issues if you are not careful.
If youre hatching baby brine every , and feeding them off before they are 18 hrs old, they should not need any supplementation. If they are over 18 hrs, they will need extra hufas to support the fish through meta.. Selco or super selco is the best option. or Selcon is a diluted/preserved selco.
Yes, I overlap the rotifers/brine until they all seem to be hitting at the brine (2-3 days). Once they are all on brine, I start weening to frozen. At this time you will need to siphon all of the un-eaten frozen, just as you had to siphon all of the left over brine that is past 18-24 hrs old.
Dont be discouraged. Its takes most people 3-4 batches before they even have the slightest success. The best part is, there will be plenty of opportunities.
I have one batch of about 40 that are being weened to baby brine now, and another batch that should hatch tonight. I have tomato eggs but they were just laid 3 days ago.. My onyx spawned again last night
One of these days I may fix and upload my powerpoint presentation on raising clowns. When I gave it for your club last year, I was still very new at speaking and really flubbed it up.
I guess its a little late now, but I have a 4x65 PC that I took to the last swap in this area. I had a price tag of $25 on it. I probably would have taken $10


Thanks for the support. after reading I do feel that I made a costly mistake and raising a fry to day 12 is probably pretty good considering that there were only five hatched. I am still wanting to try and make it up to see your setup and get some information. It may have to be after the holidays at this point.
I may still take you up on the PC light. I am happy with the one I have, however I have a freind that will give me his 55 Gal tank and stand and I am trying to get that to go through. I figure I am goingt o want to kepp a few of my clowns if I am successful, so I will need a tank. We will see.


Well off to a slow start. I had over 20 fry hatch. I only have 7 left. I transfered them into the 3 gal tank and put the LR back intot he DT. There are plenty of rotifer in the tank and some Phyto. Time will tell.
I wen tto the LFS tongiht just to pass some time. GF waited in the car. They had a Purple Firefish. I asked the GF to come in and take a look at something and she of coarse wanted it. I have been asking if this fish was on the stock list and never is. It has not been for sale on this site for quite some time. Last week when the GF went to pick up rotifers she asked for one to be ordered if in stock. I couldn't pass it up.