Finally Earn The Mated Pair Title! Eggs


Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
It can vary, but I believe that diet has a lot to do with it. There are a few things that can help induce spawnings.
saturation feedings.. Means to feed the clowns 2-3 times a day and feed to the point of where they wont eat any more.
feeding live zooplankton.. Start hatching baby brine and feed it to the pair daily.. hatch and feed hatch and feed..
temp increase.. Increase the temp to a normal range of where these cllowns are collected from.. bump it up to 82-84,
Feed the highest quality food possible
.. I have picked up 4 new pairs in the last few months, and every one of them has started spawning within a month of me having them. Every pair that I have now spawns regularly, including the banggai. The food I use was developed by a banggai breeder, that was improved on when the banggai breeder was into SPS, and then the blend was perfected when he was breeding clownfish. ..
As for age of the clowns an average is 2 years, but I have heard/seen of males being ready at 6-8 months and the females at 12-16 months
I encourage anyone that is interested in raising fry to try it. Its not overly difficult.
good luck!
Not sure if this makes a difference or just cooincidental... I started feeding clam a few weeks before the first spawn. I go the grocery store and buy 1 clam from the seafood department. split it open, cut the clam meat up and then put in the half shell and set on sand. I started this for my Butterflies, but the clowns love it. One a week is what I do.


OK, I am trying to get some pictures posted. Keep in mind the quality is not good. I will work on that. I think I need a higher MP camera. Mine is a Kodak easyshare 340 5.0 MP. Here goes.


cropping, zooming, learning. This is the first time I have uploaded pictures on a computer. I will do my best to get you some good pics. EGGS 2 days old.


OK, you shuld get the point. I am asking for a better camera for xmas and also a new light for my DT. Anything will be better than what I have.


only fry left, GF wants to call him trooper. Pic was taken after I added rotifers so Phyto is present.



Active Member
sweetness man, grats on everything....................i finally got a tank
its small, but, its a tank nonetheless, and im thinkin about doin zoas an dwarf horses if thats possible LOL


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
sweetness man, grats on everything....................i finally got a tank
its small, but, its a tank nonetheless, and im thinkin about doin zoas an dwarf horses if thats possible LOL
very cool, I am sure a bigger one will be soon to follow. A small one is a good place to learn. small tanks, nano, aer a little harder to keep as stable. Master that and your future in this hobby will be bright.


Active Member
well, the seahorse idea got nixed by the experts, they wont do well with zoas, at least the dwarfs wont, an dwarfs are all i can keep in this tank LOL, so its gonna be zoas an a pair of eviota gobies more than likely


Just purchaced a new light for my DT. CustomSeaLife 4x65W PC. I wanted to go with a T5, but for the price I couldn't pass it up.


Active Member
nice man, so ur one lil fry is still kickin huh? thats the one u can never ever get rid of, you know that right? urgf would shoot you LOL


I am at the stage where I need to feef Baby brine Shrimp. I set up an air stone in an upside down 2 litre bottle last night. I am not sure how to tell if they have hatched or not. It has been 24 hours. Anyone with any knowlegde?


Active Member
What do you feed baby brine shrimp?
also: a word of caution on the heater in the rearing tank, with that much exposed to air you risk it starting to fry which could actually nuke your tank - or shut off and leave you with no heat - or, if the tank is plastic, melt it. Next time you're at your LFS I'd replace it for one intended for a smaller system :)


Nice tank! Jason made me get on here and check em out! I would never be able to maintain something like that :) I'll stick with my