Finally Earn The Mated Pair Title! Eggs

rod buehle

dont do anything except relieve the stress (dont move the rocks, add any fish ( Have you added any recently?) etc).. Go to eddies and get the best frozen food he has, because its loaded with selco and garlic. The ick will clear on its own in most cases if its not too bad. The more you mess with them, the more stressed they will become I will say that I dont have experiences with butterflies though..


Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
dont do anything except relieve the stress (dont move the rocks, add any fish ( Have you added any recently?) etc).. Go to eddies and get the best frozen food he has, because its loaded with selco and garlic. The ick will clear on its own in most cases if its not too bad. The more you mess with them, the more stressed they will become I will say that I dont have experiences with butterflies though..
I woke yesterday to two dead Heni's. I still have not seen any sign of stress or ich on the other fish. What frozen food are you talking about, does it have a clown fish on the label? Original formula?
Here is what I am really worried about. Until Sunday I have used DT water to fill my rotifer and BBS setups after daily culture. I have not cultured since Sunday. Is it better to make salt water for these setups? I do not want to use the DT water if it could transfer ich.


Active Member
Assume the position.
Of giving us more pics!
good luck with the new babies, can't wait to see more!


The fish in the DT are looking fine ans eating well. I still have 5 fry that are 3 weeks old in a 10 gallon tank. I am not suire on what to do at this point. I have been told that I need to take the fish out and treat the fish or I will have ich in my tank. I have also been told not to do anything tom stress them out. I actually agree with the second part of that, I know that I lost two fish and if I transfer 5 fish into a 10 gallon tank for 6 weeks will it be enough stress to have another breakout? I will also want to add fish to the DT in replace of the Heni's, and how will I know that when I add them, down the road, no time soon, they will not get ich and die?


Active Member
is there anyway you can hypo the DT? u have no corals correct? just fish and live rock? maybe get like a 20 long or something for your clowns, put them in it, put the live rock in a rubbermaid tub or something with a heater an powerhead, an hypo the DT with the other fish in it?


I am very afraid that this thread will come to an end soon. I still have 6 fry that are over three weeks old. I am not sure on how much longer they will make it. My clown pair is not looking good. I am planning to treat my clowns for ich, so they will be out of service for awhile. I am hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. My main concern now is to get my pair healthy. Next I need to get my DT in good working order. I feel that if I can overcome these obsticles, I will have a chance of raising in the future.


Clowns are the only thing left, unless my purple firefish is hiding, I can not find it. I am very upset. I have them in a 10 gallon HT. They have a whiteish/clear slim on them, but no white spots. They are acting very different today, last night were normal and eating well. I am thinking the worst at this point. Not sure ehat to do.


Well I woke today to find my pair of clowns dead. I am very sad about this. I have had them for 5 years. My only hope now is that I can get the six fry that I have to survive. I do not kow how promising that is. We will have to see. I am not sure what I will do with my DT now? I want to leave it up and running, but part of me wants to take it down. In any event I know it will be a while before I would add anything to the tank as far as fish.


Active Member
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always tough. I just lost my pink spotted goby to my lawnmower blenny. He beat the crap out of him overnight and it was too late by the time I moved him to the QT. If you're like me, you get attached. How old are the fry??


So sorry, it's heartbreaking, I can imagine how upset you must be. Will be checking back from time to time and keeping my fingers crossed for your fry.


Active Member
Sorry...I'm not too familiar with the stages...are they still going through metamorphasis stage?? How are they looking?? Sounds like you're going farther than you had been with the last batches. Maybe they'll pull through. That would be something good that came out of it. It'd be like keeping a piece of your mom and dad clowns.


I have three fry left. I have included a pic of one of them. It is looking pretty good. They are getting their stripes now. Very cute. I really hope that I can get one of them to survive. Now it means something.


Active Member
They are getting to look more like a clown now....I sure hope that at least one of them makes it. You've worked so hard and lost so much....I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya....


Well, thats it. Two fry died yesterday, and the third that is pictured, died today. I am 100% without any fish now. Very frustrating. I am leaving my Dt run with no fish. I will wait for at least two months before I add anything to it. I am actually thinking about trying to do something different with the setup. I have time to think. Unfortunately this thread will now be over. Lessons were definately learned.


Sorry to see it end this way. Thank you for sharing your experiences, I am sure many (as I have) enjoyed even looked forward to your posts. Better days are ahead.