Finally got my Blue Reef Chromis


It seems like I have waited forever..BUT finally SWF got them in
here they are...I got 4...and they are beauties



Thanks...they are all out swimming together and ate their welcome home snack
I was very happy at that
Fingers crossed...they look great/......hoping they stay that way

mr. limpid

Active Member
Look at them, they say they are on waiting list. Now are these better than the green chromis? They have a better survival rate?


Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/394996/finally-got-my-blue-reef-chromis#post_3516077
Look at them, they say they are on waiting list. Now are these better than the green chromis? They have a better survival rate?
IDK if I would say they are better then the green.....they are a beautiful blue though.....
I have not had luck with them in the past.....BUT these ones look really good (fingers crossed) and they have eaten right away too :)
Just keep checking....they must be hard to get, because they are NOT in stock all the time at lots of places.....ALTHO.....I will admit a few months ago I found some at a "different" online store
WELL....they were maybe MAYBE 1/2" 2 were DOA....and the other didn't make it thru the night...POOR POOR specimens.....

mr. limpid

Active Member
That is the fear with on line, the DOA and I'm not home to receive them. When I do get deliveries they leave them at the door. It's 14deg out to day just imagine them arriving today at let say 10am and I get home at 6:15pm., fish popsicles.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/394996/finally-got-my-blue-reef-chromis#post_3516085
That is the fear with on line, the DOA and I'm not home to receive them. When I do get deliveries they leave them at the door. It's 14deg out to day just imagine them arriving today at let say 10am and I get home at 6:15pm., fish popsicles.
That's the key to purchasing on-line. You have to be there the moment they arrive...I have had very few problems with on-line fish, but I worked night shift, and now I'm retired, so I could always be there as soon as they arrived.
The blue reef chromis are like little Hippo tangs for that flashy blue color. I have had the green and the blue...the green chromis hold their tail kind of close together and droopy, ruins their look, sick stressed fish usually hold their tail like that. The blue reef keep their tails in a perfect scissor shape and they shimmer under the light, no picture does them justice.
They look happy and healthy Meowzer, they are tough and hardy once they settle in. I love them!


Active Member
I'm curious as to the longevity of them.....They are known to pick each other off slowly.......There is a specimen and I can't remember the exact one but they are supposedly a little less aggressive towards each other.....Most people assume that they are "schooling" fish, when then actually aren't....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394996/finally-got-my-blue-reef-chromis#post_3516170
I'm curious as to the longevity of them.....They are known to pick each other off slowly.......There is a specimen and I can't remember the exact one but they are supposedly a little less aggressive towards each other.....Most people assume that they are "schooling" fish, when then actually aren't....
I must admit that I went with the Potbelly seahorses and gave away my reef chromis along with everything else...So I don't know anything about them picking each other off, or not really schooling. I did purchase 6, one was picked on and hid away from the others...he looked beat up when I gave them away...but he still ate like a pig and seemed healthy enough, just rough looking.
Fingers crossed for them to go well for Meowzer.


SO far I have seen NO aggression......fingers crossed it stays that way LOL
I can not judge by the 3 I had before because 1 died almost immediately...and I lost the others when I foolishly got that dogface creature and it infected my tank with ICK.....and then I tried the chemical way of treating the tank :(


Moderator far I am very happy to report that all the chromis seem to get along.....I have seen NO aggression....nor do I see signs on the fish, they are perfect


Pros and cons flower
There are no predators in our tanks and conditions are usually more then ideal and fed very good majority of the time without foraging for it.
Con is that your in a tank.


Active Member
Siptang hit the nail on the head.....In nature they seem to school together for protection....In an aquarium they don't have that "predator" issue, and in nature they really don't school, just huge masses of them and then you put them in a tank, and no predators, yeah they will get a little territorial and take each other out.


Active Member
Personally I love the fish, but success with keeping schools or groups over long periods of time isn't very common......I was following a thread a bit ago on RC about this very subject......