Finally got my Blue Reef Chromis


OK downer....LOL......I am hoping for success with mine...and I will keep you updated
BTW they eat really well too :)


Active Member
Wasn't trying to be a downer Lois......I myself would like a school of them in the new tank, but the odds don't favor it.....Hoping your heavy feeding provides some input; insight on keeping them.


And then there were 3.....
I never saw any aggression from the chromis.....Wednesday morning I fed the tank and there were 4....came home from work to 3
Not saying the chromis did anything.......I do have a very large brittle star.....BUT I will never know
I bought 4 for a reason......sad to say I really figured I'd lose one :( and I really wanted 3............SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fingers crossed these 3 stay ok


dang that sucks Lois.... sorry to hear that.... chromis are bad shippers from my experience... T_T


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/394996/finally-got-my-blue-reef-chromis/20#post_3518578
WELL....I am happy to report that he three amigo's are doing great so far YAYYYYY

Nice!! Lets hope they stay a trio for a long while.
The more posts I read like this, makes me think i got pretty lucky with my Chromis. I started with 7, one did not make it through the first night in QT. Another one did not make it out of QT. The other 5 that made it into the big tank and are all still alive and kicking after almost 2 years. I see some chasing but nothing real bad.
I do think that the jerks took out both of my clowns though. Bummed about that. I don't like not having a clownfish in my tank. But now I am a bit fearful about adding more.


HMMMM...Maybe 3 was a crowd

I came home from work today and I am only finding 2.......all 3 were out eating this who knows....


Doubtful.....I threw a few pellets in there and everyone came out....but him :( I'll keep watching though