Finally got my first fish- Pair of Perculas!


Active Member
:happy: :cheer:
:happy: :cheer:

I'm so happy! It's been over two months until I got my fish. Got just about everything but fish in that time! My LFS ordered me a pair of true percs, captive bred. They aren't mated pair, but they already like each other. There were 4 in the tank and the female was chasing the other 2 away and hanging out with the smaller male. So I got them. YAY! They are acclimating now. I will post pics of them in the tank later.
BTW, I did want to post more smilies, but they didn't let me post that much. :D


Active Member
Also, how long would it be until they are at breeding age? The female is just about 2" right now and the male is around 1.5".


Active Member
No, percuals and falso perculas (ocellaris) are two different species. It is not that true percs are wild caught and false percs arecaptive bred. Not that way at all.


Active Member
BTW, are all true percs this color? They seem to have a lot more black between the first two stripes than what I have seen before. They sort'a look like the black onyx percs.


Active Member
Got them in that tank now. They are really moving around a lot. Can't get a clear pic of them. Here is the female.


Awesome looking fish. The true percs look way better than the false percs especially the black onyx true perculas. That's what I plan on getting when I set up another tank. For now, I'm happy with my pair of black and white percs.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments everyone! These guys are so cool. I named the female chica and the boy chico. Those are spanish for boy and girl.


Active Member
Beautiful fish. They make me want to look into getting a pair for my 75 in the works. Captive breed too, awesome...can't say anything bad about captive breed fish. :D :yes: :joy:


Great looking fish. I have a true and false percula. The true perc's orange areas have changed almost completely black. The false perc hasn't changed her colors at all.
Enjoy your fish, it is fun to watch them play with each other.