Finally, my new powerhead


New Member
I just got a new powerhead yesterday.. IT's penguin powerhead, 450 gph.
My question is, do I keep it on all day and night, or do I turn it on or off at certain times?? Thanks.


New Member
Ahhhh, i see now.
it says 550 Powerhead, Maybe that's the model i guess. Not 450.
And then 145 gph. Sorry bout that.
Any advice?

bang guy

24/7 would be your best bet IMO but what other circulation do you have?
You could try a wave timer but Penguins don't react favorably to being turned on and off in my experience.


New Member
BAng guy, I have and overflow from the eclipse, but this will be gone soon. I am building a refugium so the overflow box i guess, might replace the eclipse overflow. It's not very strong though. (the eclipse overflow that is).. So far I've kept it on all day, and i keep it at a moderate to low current flow. I have a 29 so. Any other advice? Thanks