Finally some pics of my tank


Sorry - can't get a good full tank shot - I did them in quarters - enjoy and any feedback is welcome. As you can see - I am not to big on fish....LOL



I did - I have a xenia forrest in my tank - so I used some super glue to put it on the back has been spreading and attaching itself like crazy back there....


Active Member
wow thats pretty crazy!
nice setup very clean and well maintained looks like all ur corals are super happy!
i like ur sand setup very ncie lookin!
please do show more


My mom attached her xenia to the glass, too. It's a nice look -- if it completely covered it, it would be such a cool reef effect.
Your tank looks great. :)


Thats really cool Tank, I like the way you have your xenias are on the glass, what did you use to glue them?


Active Member
I just think your tank and pictures are gorgeous!!. Very healthy and happy reef!! What size tank?
Lisa :happyfish


Thank you all for the kind words. I do love my tank and I am very proud of it. Not sure if you can see in the last picture - behind the xenia on the bottom rock - my Porc. Puffer is hiding in there.....he is a goof.
This tank is a 125 - and I used plain ole super glue gel to put the xenia on the glass. I am hoping to have the entire back covered soon. I started the project about 2 months far, so good. Even being glued - it is able to move, split and spread.


Holy Crap!!!!!!! looks great. how do you get your xenia to be open. mine was but now has closed. does xenia shed? looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Out of all my corals - everyone loves the xenia....LOL...that is my favorite too.
I am running 2 - 400 w MH with 15K bulbs and a 96 W 50/50 on the tank. I don't do anything special to get it to open - I do add iodine to the tank every few days - them seem to love that.
I am a firm believer that it is all about the water. My tank has never seen tap or bottled water of any kind. I actually use a Dialysis machine to run my tanks......I have 4 tanks - this is my favorite one though.....