Finding Nemo in the Pet Store


Active Member
Thats me at the store jam1e its horiable. And then to top it off you have the rude little kids that r brats not all of them but at optimum aquarium i was looking at alot of fish and i was interested in the naso.. not to buy but i love them and then this little kid mabey 5 bolts infront of me and dosent say excuse me then i move to the next tank to look at triggers and his mom comes over to me and said you need to let the little ones look too saying that like i was fighting him for the tank UGGGHHH


Originally Posted by lt34
Its just a movie and wasn't meant to teach people. When I went a saw the movie Backdraft, there was a bunch of fellow Firefighters saying how it wasn't real that it didn't have all the smoke. I told them that if it had all the smoke that would naturally be in the fire, all we would hear is the voices and wouldn't see a thing. All movies will have their good and bad. 101 Dalmations caused overbreeding and put hundreds of Dalmations in dog shelters as everyone wanted one. I in turn loved Finding Nemo and wanted to know what type of fish everything was so it helped me know what Perculas and Hipo's were. Unless it is a teaching video, take it as it just a movie and teach others what is real and what is not.

Very well said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
I'd agree that it is a little annoying when you hear adults without kids calling them dori and nemo. However, how can you get upset because a bunch of little kids are happy about fish?!?! There are other saltwater forums i go on where they will make you out to be a idiot if you call them clowns or hippo's, they want the scientific name.
A movie that got millions of kids interested in our hobby is a VERY, VERY good thing

I wouldnt say a very very good thing. You have to think now these kids want one and there parents buy them one and they take it home and put it in a goldfish bowl as said before.


Active Member
I really can't believe people are having any kind of reaction to anyone saying Nemo or Dori in a fish store no matter the age. For it to ruin trips to public aquariums and such is unbelievable to me. The common names we all use for these fish are no more relevant than the names Nemo and Dori. Who cares what people call them. Especially when those people aren't talking to you and have nothing to do with you. Let them have their fun. What's the big deal?


I cant really tell you why it bothers me. You make a valid point, except for the taxonomic name one common name is as good as another in theory. I think that they all have accepted common names though, and I can only explain it to be that when myself or others are taking something so seriously, and someone else uses a name from a cartoon, it trivializes the matter. Cant explain it much better than that... except to say that is does bother me when someone calls a fish at the lfs a Dory or Nemo.


Active Member
Hagfish. To me it isnt bad that people call them this.. It is annoying but for litle kids i guess its fine. The problem is is that people (kids) want clownfish o im sorry nemofish and doryfish as there pets. And they take them home and put them in a fish bowl with goldfish... This is horid on the fish's side


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Hagfish. To me it isnt bad that people call them this.. It is annoying but for litle kids i guess its fine. The problem is is that people (kids) want clownfish o im sorry nemofish and doryfish as there pets. And they take them home and put them in a fish bowl with goldfish... This is horid on the fish's side
That may have happened 1 or 2 times but sounds like an old wives tale to me. The whole point of the movie is getting him back to the ocean. I'm pretty sure 99.99%of people realize its salt water and dont put him in a goldfish bowl with freshwater.


Active Member
Ok mabey they do put them in saltwater.. Well they also have a tank with freshwater gravel freshwater plants not the right lighting or anything... I personlally have seen this happen alot.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thats me at the store jam1e its horiable. And then to top it off you have the rude little kids that r brats not all of them but at optimum aquarium i was looking at alot of fish and i was interested in the naso.. not to buy but i love them and then this little kid mabey 5 bolts infront of me and dosent say excuse me then i move to the next tank to look at triggers and his mom comes over to me and said you need to let the little ones look too saying that like i was fighting him for the tank UGGGHHH
They are just kids.......We just don't realize but we probably got under someone's skin one time or another.....I personally love that my 2 yr old loves my hobby and knows every single piece of livestock in our tank even if he does not call them by the correct name. Everynight he prays for Nemo, Marlin, Dory, Beauty (coral beauty), Pom pom crab, jaque (cleaning shrimp), red shrimp and feather (feather duster). He trully loves them and when our first percula (nemo for chris) was sucked by our power head (little protecive filter fell off)
, chris was the saddest one of us all. Do not think that your love for the hobby is more important or special than a 2 yrs old's love. I do not mean to bash you, but I think everyone has the right to enjoy this wonderful hobby of ours.


Active Member
I don't have a problem with a child or adult calling a clownfish "nemo" or hippo tang "dory", but it dpes annoys me when I am in the LFS and there are 5 children banging on the glass of the "nemo" or "dory" tank (no matter how many signs are posted). That all comes to the parents' disciplining their child though, not the movie promoting a few fish.
It also bothers me that everyone tries to get "nemo" and "dory" together in their small 10-20 gallon tank. That irks me because they never want to hear that these tiny hippo tangs need huge tanks. Again though, that is not really the movie's fault, it is the people's ignorance and selfishness.
I think the worst thing the movie did was the tank in the dentist office. Since that movie, I have seen a lot of people try to replicate that tank. Maybe if the movie would have put appropriate species into the tank, it would have been okay, but they did not do that. In that tank was a cleaner shrimp, porcupine puffer, butterfly fish, starfish, and moorish idol. There are so many people who try to replicate that tank that I think that is the worst part of that movie. Even on this message board, the topic comes up every 2 to 3 months with someone saying they want to try to replicate this tank in thier 55 gallon aquarium. That is the only part that I have a problem with.


New Member
Here is a good one, I couldnt resist posting this when I saw the thread! I cant tell you how many kids and adults come running up to me in stores when they see my tattoo. "Oh, you got Nemo from the movie on your leg, how cute! " AArrgghhh,
how annoying, I always tell them its been there a lot longer than Nemo, its almost 13 years old now. The picture isnt great, its hard taking a picture of the bottom of your leg, LOL.


When I first started working at a lfs the percs and ocel. were only 7.99 and sold to cycle tanks. I thiunk the movies intentions were to teach us how unhappy fish are in aquariums but it totaly backfired. I think for the hobbiest it has helped with more variety but has also made people to do a 20 gal. perc and tang tank as there first tank instead of starting like most of us did with carnival goldfish and worked our way through the fresh, gf, trop., cichlid then salt, reef you know how it works. What really bothers me is when an adult calls a cichlid a chiclet or a rottweiler a rockwilder,lol. Anyway for whatever good that was done there was bad but thats how it works wityh all pets( iguanas, goldfish bowls and to many others to list).


Amen Jelezoglo..... obviously you guys who are most annoyed are very young, and dont have kids. When you do , nothing more in this world will make you happier then being able to share something like this hobby with your children. Youd be surprised at how many of those little kids that piss you off actually know that nemo is a clownfish, and dorys a tang... and that you cant put that fish with that one b/c he'll eat him... kids arent stupid.
Give me a break... you get offended b/c you take this hobby so seriously and are personally insulted when someone calls a perc a NEMO! you make me laugh.... do you even remember the days when you had no idea what YOU were doing vanquish? Or did you come into this hobby a genius? and if that's whats ruining your days latly... like I said... you make me laugh


Originally Posted by stsweene
Amen Jelezoglo..... obviously you guys who are most annoyed are very young, and dont have kids. When you do , nothing more in this world will make you happier then being able to share something like this hobby with your children. Youd be surprised at how many of those little kids that piss you off actually know that nemo is a clownfish, and dorys a tang... and that you cant put that fish with that one b/c he'll eat him... kids arent stupid.
Give me a break... you get offended b/c you take this hobby so seriously and are personally insulted when someone calls a perc a NEMO! you make me laugh.... do you even remember the days when you had no idea what YOU were doing vanquish? Or did you come into this hobby a genius? and if that's whats ruining your days latly... like I said... you make me laugh
You obviously did not read my posts very well. See #17


I was just going to read this but decided to post. I'm with Lion, I don't care what they call them but I hate when they are being little Darla's and the parents won't control them!!
My LFS loves me because I will call the parents out on their kids behavior, my kids are grown and NEVER behaved like kids do now in public.
There is a hospital here that has a 200 plus tank that they want as close to Nemo as it can be because the sick children love it so much. My LFS handles the account and has done a wonderful job, lots of LR, LS and the appropriate fish. However, they just got a Moorish Idol in to stock that tank with and it made me want to cry. I have read how difficult they are to keep and I don't believe I have ever seen such a lovely fish, hell I want to release him back to the big blue


New Member
I love going into the fish stores with my 3 year old son who loves nemo, but also knows that is his name and not what kind of fish he is. It's absolutley hilarious to watch him walk up and down the aisles naming off tangs, firefish, puffers, triggers, etc.... then you see adults turn their heads and even checking the name tag on the tank to see if he was right. What I don't care for is one guy at a small lfs in my city gets sooo upset when my son places his finger on the glass to point to a fish. He never taps, he doesn't try to scare them and he'll be the first one to notice if a fish doesn't look well . But the child is 3, can the man have a little patience??

my way

Active Member
My opinion is, This post has been done to death, the movie came out years ago, but yet posts about it just keep getting rehashed over and over. Move on people.


Active Member
In all honesty, the movie just came out in 2003. I would barely call that years ago. Many people who come into the LFS still talk about it and try to find the "Nemo" fish, and they tend to make it very difficult to forgot about.
The movie helps to get many children into fish tanks. My nieces and nephews love my fish tank because they have seen "Finding Nemo". Since then though, I have educated them and they know what kind of fish I have in my tank.