Finding Nemo Tank


Originally Posted by gmann1139
And almost single-handedly created the Tang Police.
I shudder every time I see those little 1-2" Hippo Tangs at the LFS, knowing they'll be named "Dori" and put into a 12g Nano.
You must remember that Dory was not in a tank, she was in the ocean, and so was bubbles the yellow tang...LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
You forgot that the tank looked like a 55g, and was overstocked.
But some of what happened is good to note:
-If you have an intake big enough for a fish to fit in... one will get sucked up.
-Clownfish are better in pairs.
-If you don't clean your tank, algae will result.
You wouldn't believe the number of books that say that say adding 2 clownfish is a bad idea.
Be careful what you read because books go out of date quickly in the fish world, honestly the internet is one of the best sources for gaining fish knowledge, just a heads up for ya.


Hey! I resent that comment lol... I have a blue hippo whose name is Dory... At least she's not in a 12g nano, but my girlfriend did name it though lol....


Originally Posted by wkldwing55
Wow thanks for all the posts. Didn't think I'd get that many replies. So the moorish idol is a hard fish to keep then?
The Moorish is a very defficult fish even for experts. You can look into the Heniochus Butterfly fish, which are a pretty harty fish and look very similar to "Gill". Know that you will need a large tank to try and mimick the Nemo tank. "Dori", Blue Hippo Tang, is not an easy fish for a beginner either. They are prone to Ich and need excellent water qualities. My honest opinion would be to research everyhting on this site, in these forums, ask questions. If you go into a Pet store and tell them you want everything to make the Nemo tank, they will gladly sell it to you and you will have wasted a lot of money. Pick a few of your favorites from the tank and go with those. Also, there are a lot of fish in this hobby that will be easier to keep that look better than the fish from the movie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camfish
You wouldn't believe the number of books that say that say adding 2 clownfish is a bad idea.
Be careful what you read because books go out of date quickly in the fish world, honestly the internet is one of the best sources for gaining fish knowledge, just a heads up for ya.
A heads up that what I said was right?
What's 'better' for the fish aside, I like watching the interactions of the pair of clowns, which is why I said they are 'better'.