"Finding Nemo"


Active Member
I think everyone at my office has seen it. You don't really realize how many times you say "whoa" until someone goes "and then whoa" and then "whooaa":D


got back from ***** earlier today. they had about 15 perculas crammed into a tank that couldn't have been more than 12 gallons at best.
I talked to my friend who works there and she said she's already had a lot of parents come in and ask.
The worst part is that people will put their new Nemo into tanks that aren't cycled fully or the kids will get bored of him after all this hype goes away.
Also in the movie the Moorish Idol was complaining about how fish aren't meant to be in an aquarium and then it showed how awful they are and dangerous with the filter and so forth. Which does make aquarists look bad. (Not to mention that aquarium was so horribly decorated and tacky) If anyone here's aquarium looks like that....you have my pity :(


New Member
Saw the movie. Two thumbs up!
Had to order myself a hippo tang from here. What if any is the difference from a hippo and a regal tang?????????? All I can see is the price difference.
Eugene from Northern, Ga.
I don't think that is a problem of buying a blue hippo tang or regal tang where I live especially with the $54.99 price tag on the barely more than 1 inch tang, in a 15 gallon tank with 4 other fish in the tank and also carrying a bit of ich.


Active Member
I dragged my 14 year old son to see it this weekend. The movie was good as far as entertainment vlaue. I thought Ellen D's voice as Dora stole the show.
In any event, the story line and message was that fish should not be caught and kept in a glass box. It also told of a story of a parent love for child and never giving up on your goal. The latter is quite admirable message...the former is probably true for most people. I'm afraid that many parents will go out and try to get a nemo in a tank or a tang in a small tank and many will perish. This further compounds the problem and even more highlight on the hobby in a negative way. I hope that doesn't happen but in going into LFS a saw more clowns in the tanks then recent memory. Also saw a special for 20g long setup. Ok for 2 percs which is what the set up included. They will not however hold onto clowns until tank cycles but have an outline of water changes throughout the cycle period which probably will work since some people already use percs for cycling. Not ideal but....
A sincere good luck to the future of our hobby.


Active Member
I saw a little blurb on Pixar about this movie. Seems like a bunch of them learned how to SCUBA dive in order to study light, water and fish movement...and they also set up a salt water tank in the office. They took a number of oceanography courses as well. I was pretty impressed with what they went through to capture movement, etc!


Yup, I also saw the making yesterday. Pretty impressive. And see what I just got from a friend a week ago....
It says, there are 3.7 million fish in the ocean. They're looking for one. And on the bottom there's a side note saying that no one really knows the actual number of fish in the ocean. Some source says the number is in between 1 to 4 quadrillion. They just wanted to make a point, and they said if any of us find the actual number they want us to contact them.... :D
Anyway, enjoy!

sinner's girl

I saw it yesterday. It was funny. The office tank was tacky. They could have used lr or barnical as hidding places for the fish. though the yellow tang with the bubbles cracked me up. I also liked the cleaner shrimp and the star.
I stayed after it says "The End." ...just where did they think they were going? they need the seagull to come pop the bags for them.
oh and how is it Nemo lived through a fresh water clorinated drain? and tanks don't get that dirty in 2 days... I know, I know, it's just a movie...but what a great filter!!! I want one the scans the water.
Look, a scum angel!
Fish are friends, not food.
Sinner's Girl (who is up way too early)


I seen it last sunday, took my 4 year old neice and had to wait in line for 1 1/2 hours. I thought it was really a cute movie, I was shocked how it started out with the mommy clown being ate. But I guess that is the wayit works. I thought the whale sounds were just too funny, my neice is still doing it. The effects are amazing!!!!
I have to agree with Rich, that once everything is layed out (cost and time) parents will pass on salt tanks and get that goldfish named Nemo.
Also saw it yesterday and I laughed so much. But now I feel guilty for keeping a SW tank even though the characters were personified.
I just got back from seeing the movie, what a great message it has. What you will do for the love of your children, it was quite moving.
I was a little sad too, when the story really states that we shouldn't keep fish in glass cases for our enjoyment, but as we all know this is going to happen so the best thing we can do for this hobby is read alot and take care of them the best way we know how and the bigger the tank the better and not to over crowd.
It was however very entertaining.


I saw a really awsome making of special that showed how they made it...
they had several large tanks set up and just watched fish...along with profession fish dudes!
but by far the coolest was how they got the water to look real...the poured glitter in to mimic the lil floaties in the sea, then red dye and milk to show depth and what not. VERY AWSOME!
"Look at me a flippen lil dolphin"


Active Member
Thaks for the heads up A77. I hadn't heard about the clip on CBS. Would love to see it but after erwading the posts, looks like it was horrible. I'mgoing on a letter writing campaign and will also call. Has anyone heard back from trtra? If not, we'll need to do more!!


The CBS thing has been blown way out of proportion, they only had a few minutes and had to give as much info as possible...
I agree they dropped the ball but they did refer to their website for more info and their website has alot of great info, they also posted an statement about the blow up on their site.
As well it is for the most part common knowledge that Saltwater fish are so much harder to keep that fresh...and for those who dont care or dont know anything, a 2 dollar goldfish will start to look a heck of alot more like nemo than them 24 dollar clowns!
The theatre i saw it at had a 100 gal with around 15 or 20 clowns and 4 hippos! They had a huge sign promoting the LFS that supplied the stuff and they put a large disclaimer about how hard a saltwater tank is and what not. The LFS i go to has 2 moorish idols and they are only available to people who show proof they can provide them a good home, they had a guy in there who just wanted to throw a couple clowns in a lil fish bowl (probably a fresh water bowl) and the staff would not sell it to him they explained nicely to him but the guy was a complete ahole demanding 2 clowns his daughter was crying and screaming she wanted a nemo...If only all LFS were this smart & responsible.


Active Member
Great to here a decent LFS story. Kudos for them!
AS far as being referred to Tetra site, it seems to only refer to freshwater fish keeping not saltwater. One has to wonder why they would refer s/w fish hobbiests to a site that does not list it as an area of expertise. I'll restrain from further comment until I actually see it.
I just saw the cbs early show video a few minutes ago and was disgusted, dont know were to start, but what really got me fired up was when she said, and you can pet the seahorses with your hand, dont know the exact quote but it was horrible.


I didn't know if you all noticed...but alot of online aquarium/fish supplies are writing articles on their homepages in order to inform people how much money, time effort and responsibility it takes to care for clownfish. Very good idea