"Finding Nemo"


Active Member
I've been to the site on several occasions and just see a picture of the movie and a related small article. I can't see anyway to actually see yhe video of the show.???
Thanks anyway.



Originally posted by Excite74
I didn't know if you all noticed...but alot of online aquarium/fish supplies are writing articles on their homepages in order to inform people how much money, time effort and responsibility it takes to care for clownfish. Very good idea

I think the LFS are gettting a lil frustrated over all this...
...I went shopping today with my little cousin and we went to a store and the guy there was a complete ahole, i asked him a general question about a fish(not a fish that was featured in the movie), he looked at my lil cousin and gave me this whole lecture about how inolved saltwater is and you have to be serious and if I wasnt serious i shouldnt waste his time...
I told him i already have a tank set up and then polielty informed him where to shove his involved hobby and left!
I apprechiate that their not tryin to just make some sales but that was just big time rude!


Active Member
Just thought I'd share this about finding Nemo.
I guy comes into the LFS, looking to buy his son Nemo. After the employee starts talking to the guy, he finds out that they guy has never had a fish tank in his life. The guy wants to buy a goldfish bowl, and put Nemo in there for his kid. Needless to say the employee sold the guy some books, told him to come back after doing some reading, and when he is willing to spend a little more money on a tank setup. The kid was pretty upset, but the LFS did the right thing. I'm sure the kid would have been even more upset when Nemo died in the cycling goldfish bowl.
My LFS has seen an increase in foot traffic from parents bringing kids in to look into getting a setup. Most leave when they find out how much it costs, and how much work it takes.
There's also been reports on the news about increased sales in the industry due to the movie. Hopefully more LFS will do the right thing, and educate the public before selling them a Nemo setup.


Active Member
thnx for the link, now i know what everyone is talking about. But i must admit that it is good that she did try to make some sort of standard with fish size and correct her mistakes like how she added the fish andthat kind of stuff. BUt i just wish they handled it better...


Man that does suck. Going back to what I said in the beginning of the post. most people is going to do this after they watch the movie.


Active Member
I'm watching Good Morning America right now, and they are showing a 10 gallon tank with a perc, and yellow tang. I think that TerryB was right in his post about the damage this movie will do.


Active Member
I must say now that I've seen it , it's not as bad as I thought. Bad but I've seen much worst in almost all LFS' I've been in.
That said I am told that Tetra is having high level mtgs to figure out what to do. They agree that information may be mis-construed and genuinely want to make it right. How about some suggestions on how they can make it right??
Thanks for the link. Just got finished seeing it and was a little disturbe by the way she put all those fish into that small of a tank and even though she touched on the fact that you need so many gallons per fish, most people watching that will think they can have a start up tank with all those fish in it and not account for the growth etc... of the fish. I know they only had a short amount of time to touch on this subject but probably should have shown a much larger tank to accomodate all those fish. Juse my 2 cents.....