68B-42.001 Purpose and Intent; Designation of Restricted Species; Definition of “Marine Life Species”.
(3) The following invertebrate species, as they occur in waters of the state and in federal Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
waters adjacent to state waters, are hereby designated as restricted species pursuant to Section 370.01(20), Florida Statutes:
(a) Sponges – Any species of the Class Demospongia, except sheepswool, yellow, grass, glove, finger, wire, reef, and velvet
sponges, Order Dictyoceratida.
(b) Upside-down jellyfish – Any species of the Genus Cassiopeia.
(c) Siphonophores/hydroids – Any species of the Class Hydrozoa, except fire corals, Order Milleporina.
(d) Soft corals – Any species of the Subclass Octocorallia, except sea fans Gorgonia flabellum and Gorgonia ventalina.
(e) Sea anemones – Any species of the Orders Actinaria, Zoanthidea, Corallimorpharia, and Ceriantharia.
(f) Featherduster worms/calcareous tubeworms – Any species of the Families Sabellidae and Serpulidae.
(g) Starsnails – Any of the species Lithopoma americanum or Australium phoebium.
(h) Nudibranchs/sea slugs – Any species of the Subclass Opisthobranchia.
(i) Fileclams – Any species of the Genus Lima.
(j) Octopods – Any species of the Order Octopoda, except the common octopus, Octopodus vulgaris.
(k) Shrimp – Any of the following species:
1. Cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp – Any species of the Genera Periclimenes or Lysmata.
2. Coral shrimp – Any species of the Genus Stenopus.
3. Snapping shrimp – Any species of the Genus Alpheus.
(l) Crabs – Any of the following species:
1. Yellowline arrow crab – Stenorhynchus seticornis.
2. Furcate spider or decorator crab – Stenocionops furcatus.
3. Blue-legged or tricolor hermit crab – Clibanarius tricolor.
4. Thinstripe hermit crab – Clibanarius vittatus.
5. Polkadotted hermit crab – Phimochirus operculatus.
6. Spotted porcelain crab – Porcellana sayana.
7. Nimble spray or urchin crab – Percnon gibbesi.
8. False arrow crab – Metoporhaphis calcarata.
(m) Starfish – Any species of the Class Asteroidea, except the Bahama starfish, Oreaster reticulatus.
(n) Brittlestars – Any species of the Class Ophiuroidea.
(o) Sea urchins – Any species of the Class Echinoidea, except longspine urchin, Diadema antillarum, and sand dollars and sea
biscuits, Order Clypeasteroida.
(p) Sea cucumbers – Any species of the Class Holothuroidea.
(q) Sea lilies – Any species of the Class Crinoidea.
(4) The following species of plants, as they occur in waters of the state and in federal Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters
adjacent to state waters, are hereby designated as restricted species pursuant to Section 370.01(20), Florida Statutes:
(a) Caulerpa – Any species of the Family Caulerpaceae.
(b) Halimeda/mermaid’s fan/mermaid’s shaving brush – Any species of the Family Halimedaceae.
(c) Coralline red algae – Any species of the Family Corallinaceae.
(5) For the purposes of Section 370.06(2)(d), Florida Statutes, the term “marine life species” is defined to mean those species
designated as restricted species in subsections (2), (3), and (4) of this rule.