Finish this sentence: "I knew I was addicted when..."


i new i was addicted when i hadent even set up my fist tank and i was thinking of getting a 200 gallon.
and when i keep on askin my dad if i could get a job to teach the ppl at petsmart about fish (true story the manager asked me if i could work there i was only 10 at the time)


When I try and figure out where I can put the next tank!
When I come and read this board several times a day!


Active Member
1. I knew I was addicted when I set up my own reef tank website two days after I set up my reef tank!
2. I knew I was addicted when I started rushing into the house to hide what I bought from the LFS so my wife wouldn't see!
3. I knew I was addicted when I gave my bosses boss a half hour tour of my reef website on company time explaining the in's and outs of reef keeping!


...everytime our family goes on vacation (for instance Chicago last year), instead of going to the zoo, Science center, etc...we ended up going through the phone book and dragging the kids to all the fish and pet stores.
Just last month we went for a long weekend to the Toledo Zoo and only spent 3 hours there... the rest was spent driving around town to the fish stores around there (broomer territory).;)


1. When I moved my tanks from texas to georgia, I put all the water in styrofoam containers in my car that I was towing. They all leaked on my leather seats and left 3 inches of saltwater on the floor. When I found out, I screamed, "oh my god, my fish my fish". Screw the car.
2. I have trained the lfs to say the wrong price out loud when I check out with my wife. "That will be $12.00 for 20 pounds of live rock".

use dgs

im just addicted just because. Its a relaxing hobby that i have that is better than anything to do while im at i love to sleep infront of my tank. its not all i do but i love fish and the ocean so what better way to enjoy myself?


I knew I was addicted when I began spending every dollar of my paycheck on my Aquarium instead of repairing my car.


New Member
I know i was addicted when i spent over 2500. on corals live rock and fish ,in a six weeks . and i don't know why i'm broke :notsure:


Active Member
I was officially addicted when I started making fish lists for tanks I don't have yet, when there's no room for ice in my freezer because it's full of fish food and when I rush home after work to see if any sites have updated their WYSIWYG sections even though I'm too broke to buy anything!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Use dgs
im just addicted just because. Its a relaxing hobby that i have that is better than anything to do while im at i love to sleep infront of my tank. its not all i do but i love fish and the ocean so what better way to enjoy myself?
Nice five year bump .. and by the way .. I knew I was addicted when I took the time to take a pic of my tank then copy pics of fish off the internet and photoshop them into my tank to see what they'd look like together instead of doing my Calculus Homework