I have finnally finished adding my live rock live sand and equipment (except for one MH light). I have a 55 gallon hooked to a 15 gallon refugium, and a 10 gallon quarintene tank. ON my 55 gallon i have one 175watt MH pendant (getting another one in a few months hopefully) and 30 watts of actinic blue flouresence. A small prism skimmer and emperor 300 on it for filteration. I have 3 power heads also. In that tank i have about 90 pounds live rock 120 pounds live sand (about 3 -4 inches deep). IN my refugium i have amphipods, brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, macro algae and about 10 pounds live rock. It has a Marineland eclipse 3 hood over it for more filteration. On my quarinteen tank i have a small desktop light above it and a micro wisper filter with a inch sand bed and about 3 pounds live rock. All tanks cycled. In main tank (55g) i have 40 astreae snails, 25 blue tip hermits, 3 peppermint shrimp, 12 scarlet reef hermits, and 2 serpent stairs
What do u think?
Anything i am missing?
What fish should i add?
What do u think?
Anything i am missing?
What fish should i add?