Finished with Equip. What do u think~?


I have finnally finished adding my live rock live sand and equipment (except for one MH light). I have a 55 gallon hooked to a 15 gallon refugium, and a 10 gallon quarintene tank. ON my 55 gallon i have one 175watt MH pendant (getting another one in a few months hopefully) and 30 watts of actinic blue flouresence. A small prism skimmer and emperor 300 on it for filteration. I have 3 power heads also. In that tank i have about 90 pounds live rock 120 pounds live sand (about 3 -4 inches deep). IN my refugium i have amphipods, brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, macro algae and about 10 pounds live rock. It has a Marineland eclipse 3 hood over it for more filteration. On my quarinteen tank i have a small desktop light above it and a micro wisper filter with a inch sand bed and about 3 pounds live rock. All tanks cycled. In main tank (55g) i have 40 astreae snails, 25 blue tip hermits, 3 peppermint shrimp, 12 scarlet reef hermits, and 2 serpent stairs
What do u think?
Anything i am missing?
What fish should i add?


Staff member
Sounds pretty good! But, take out the rock and sand from the QT. This will only be a hindrance if you have to medicate your fish.


Clowns,gobies and blennies make great first additions.Lots of personality.But,like waterfella said,go slow adding fish.One or two to start.


Active Member
i agree with bet, i would pull everythign except teh heater and filter out of the q tank, and then if you need to q a fish, put some pvc elbows in there!
good luck, sounds great, adn lets see some pics!


i will put a few pics on later under a new post for ya....also i am useing only medication for reefs so i figure my live rock will be ok?????????maybe not what do u all think????? also i know to go i had a reef before i moved but i wasn't to pacient starting it and i killed a lot of fish :( it wasn't good.....thanks for all ur input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


Active Member
If you plan to perform hyposalinity in your QT, then anything living on the rock would die. Hypo is the best way to kill parasites including ich. It ensures that your fish will not bring any of those nasties into your display tank. I would agree that the LR should be moved out of the QT.


Active Member
You can read about hypo in the disease and treatment forum...but basically it is lowering the salinity in the tank for about 3 weeks, and then bringing it back up to normal SLOWLY. It will destroy marine life in the tank except for bony fish. That way you know that the only thing going into your display tank is the beautiful fish that you adopted.