Finnex is finally SET UP!!!


Hello fellow finnex owner!
Looks great. Nice aquascape. Hope to see updates when you are ready. One thing you said is go slow.


Originally Posted by chromiumlux
Hello fellow finnex owner!
Looks great. Nice aquascape. Hope to see updates when you are ready. One thing you said is go slow.
Helloooooo what size Finnex do you have set up? How long? Are you happy with it??
Just a few questions for you. I was looking at other brands when mboswell and Rotary found me the Finnex. So far I love it..It has only been set up since Sat. night. I'm reading up on stock while I'm waiting, and waiting and waiting to cycle.


Active Member
looks good, but need more info. what size tank is this? what equipment are you running, did you do any mods to the equipment, etc, etc.....more info please.....i too like the aqua scaping......


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
looks good, but need more info. what size tank is this? what equipment are you running, did you do any mods to the equipment, etc, etc.....more info please.....i too like the aqua scaping......
It's a 30 gal, everything built in the back as you can see from the 1st pic at the top of this thread. Has the built in refugium (has about a 1" 1/2 sand bed in it), skimmer, I haven't done any mods (yet). The only thing I've added is a hydor koralia nano to add water movement. Once it cycles and I actually get something in it, I may add another hydor. It's only been up and running for 4 days now.. I'm doing the waiting thing now. Testing every night when I get home from work. so far ph 8.0, ammonia .25. Not testing for anything else yet. Oh yeah, the lights, 6 24 watt T5's 4-10,000 & 2 actinics, a 13 watt light on the refugium.


Active Member
plenty plenty of lite. you can keep anything. great start. yea i hear you on the waiting thing. i just set up a 5.5 last cycle should be quick i had alot of stuff in a bucket for almost 2 months....again great start


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
plenty plenty of lite. you can keep anything. great start. yea i hear you on the waiting thing. i just set up a 5.5 last cycle should be quick i had alot of stuff in a bucket for almost 2 months....again great start
Thanks and good luck on the 5.5. Sounds like you're ahead of the waiting game.
The waiting is the hardest part. But, going slow, don't want to make the mistakes I made a few years ago with my 65.


Active Member
kat, im lovin your aquascaping, me an jess are goin tomorrow before we both go to work to see about possibly using a stand we have as a stand for my tank lol


New Member
I am eyeballing a red sea max 34gal. or a 29gal nano. I read that the finnex is better but does anyone know why? This will be my first saltwater tank , so any clue or advice on which to buy and why would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by bluedog222
I am eyeballing a red sea max 34gal. or a 29gal nano. I read that the finnex is better but does anyone know why? This will be my first saltwater tank , so any clue or advice on which to buy and why would be appreciated.

The reason I chose the Finnex is because I heard the red sea max you had to modify. Not sure about the 29 nano.... The only problem I have found so far with the Finnex is the LED's are on the same circuit with the actinic and when they turn off with my timer, the LED's won't come on because the switch has to be turned off for the LED's to come on. I am manually turning them on at night. So far everything else is great.


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
kat, im lovin your aquascaping, me an jess are goin tomorrow before we both go to work to see about possibly using a stand we have as a stand for my tank lol
Thanx Mike, hope the stand works out. Can't wait for you to get started!!


Active Member
VERY nice Scape!!!!!
makes me want to re-do mine.....nahhhh
Love those tanks , are they very expensive? looks like they would be. Keep the pic's coming


Originally Posted by nwdyr
VERY nice Scape!!!!!
makes me want to re-do mine.....nahhhh
Love those tanks , are they very expensive? looks like they would be. Keep the pic's coming

Thank you! I got the Finnex for $524 that's with shipping. I only bought the tank & my brother custom made the stand for me.


Originally Posted by nwdyr
VERY nice Scape!!!!!
makes me want to re-do mine.....nahhhh
Love those tanks , are they very expensive? looks like they would be. Keep the pic's coming

I noticed our local P**S***T stocks them they look really cool. Might just have to stick one in the bedroom.


I've got a few of those feather dusters. I think they may die off, but will regrow imo. I had a few when I got it, but htey have multiplied like crazy.
And did you make the stand? I love it, it's beautiful and extremely practical. Oh and nice tank to