Finnex is finally SET UP!!!


Originally Posted by dustyboy316
I've got a few of those feather dusters. I think they may die off, but will regrow imo. I had a few when I got it, but htey have multiplied like crazy.
And did you make the stand? I love it, it's beautiful and extremely practical. Oh and nice tank to

From a thread I read in here; I'm going to try and soft cycle; hoping that will keep the feather dusters from dying. That's what I love about this hobby, watching to see what new is going to pop out on the rocks!! Yes, my brother made the stand. I love it. It even has a built light so I can see the timers.


I'm wondering if I should have the brown diatoms starting before the cycle?
Here's the specs so far:
Tanks been set up for 7 days; 30 gal, 44 lbs of LS, 33 lbs of LR, running 6-24 watt T5's. Skimmer running and heater. Water temp is 78, PH 8.0, ammonia so far 0, checked phosphates 0....I've had the lights on a regular cycle actinic on at 7am, daylights on at 8am, daylights off at 7pm and actinics off at 8pm. With two LEDS running all night. To early for that much light?


Originally Posted by subielover
I would probably shave about 2 hours off for now at least.
Thanks Subie, Is that normal to get an algae growth before your tank even cycles? I'm thinking I'll leave the lights off. I need to go get a piece of raw shrimp to start the cycle, I thought my rocks would start it with die off on them. I had them out of the water for a few hours. Must be hardy rocks.


Active Member
Cured means that the die off has already occurred. Meaning there is "good" bacteria on the rock to help with the breaking down of ammonia to nitrites, nitrites to nitrates. Usually takes about a month or so. Did you buy it from an lfs? Reason I ask, because if the rock is already cured you may not see a cycle at all. Diatoms are something that usually show up just after a cycle.


Originally Posted by subielover
Cured means that the die off has already occurred. Meaning there is "good" bacteria on the rock to help with the breaking down of ammonia to nitrites, nitrites to nitrates. Usually takes about a month or so. Did you buy it from an lfs? Reason I ask, because if the rock is already cured you may not see a cycle at all. Diatoms are something that usually show up just after a cycle.
Definitely cured. Very nice rock......YES got it at my LFS. That's what I thought;diatoms after the cycle.....Been montoring the ammonia every night since I set it up and nothing. not moving...What do you think I should do? Put in a snail or two to see what happens?


Active Member
I would start ghost feeding. Try feeding very small amounts for the next few days and keep testing. If your levels stay at 0, then the tank is cycled.
Although I would like someone else to chime in here too to give a different opinion.


Originally Posted by subielover
I would start ghost feeding. Try feeding very small amounts for the next few days and keep testing. If your levels stay at 0, then the tank is cycled.
Although I would like someone else to chime in here too to give a different opinion.
Funny you say that; last night I threw some flake food in there to see what would happen.. What should I feed, flake food or something else? Should I throw a piece of shrimp in there and see what happens? I just haven't had time to get any raw shrimp to put in there.
I also posted this question in New Hobbyist and robertmathern said in that thread that the lights were on to long. That if the phosphates was zero, shorten the lights and the diatom bloom would go away?


Active Member
JMO... I have never "ghost feed" or thrown a dead shrimp in ANY tank. It just sounds very unnatural. Let nature take its course and everything will be fine. When I set up my nano I used LS , cured LR , and water from a already established tank and my cycles were short or not at all. Good luck and keep dead smelly stuff out of your tank


Originally Posted by nwdyr
JMO... I have never "ghost feed" or thrown a dead shrimp in ANY tank. It just sounds very unnatural. Let nature take its course and everything will be fine. When I set up my nano I used LS , cured LR , and water from a already established tank and my cycles were short or not at all. Good luck and keep dead smelly stuff out of your tank

Okay, no dead smelly stuff.


Active Member
its in stall stage right now lol, had a lot of bills come in, an am just waitin to get some of them taken care of first lol