Finnex is finally SET UP!!!


Originally Posted by Fireykat04
How long do U think before I can add coral?

I see no reason why you can not add coral now. Your tank is cycled, you did your water change so I think you are good to go. I would just make sure that all of your water parameters are in line and stable.


Oh, by the way... part of me is leaning towards Cadlights now.
There are things that I like about both so still in limbo. My LFS can order them and will match ANY price I find on the internet so it may be worth it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
ill have to message you one of these days with the site that has some of the coolest zoas EVER for sale lol
You can get pretty much any zoa you want on the forums, and I think you know which one


Here it is day 22 of the set up. I put in an emerald crab last night. So here's some pics of my critters and the tank as it looks today.



Originally Posted by subielover
Looking good
What are your stocking plans???
Since I've made it past the "I gotta put something in the tank stage" I'm not adding anything until I'm sure all levels are stable. So far, 0 on Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, PH and SG are holding steady. I'm thinking my first fish is going to be a Purple firefish. Put it in the tank and let it get used the tank before adding anything else since they are so shy. I definitely want a pair a Percula clowns. I can't make up my mind on the others, bleenies, gobies....Decisions, decisions.
I also need to get the other Hydor Koralia ordered.


Anyone here have the nano and the #1?
I bought a #1 yesterday and I swear the nano puts out more flow. I'm thinking something might be wrong with the #1? Any input?


Active Member
the nanos are more of a jet stream. nothing like a maxijet. but the #1's are a wider flow, so putting your hand in front of it, the nano will feel stronger