Finnex is finally SET UP!!!


Heck, I am excited for you!!!
I read the entire post a while back and do not remeber, but what did you end up putting in your refugium?


Originally Posted by Cayman
Heck, I am excited for you!!!
I read the entire post a while back and do not remeber, but what did you end up putting in your refugium?
Right now the only thing it has in it is about an inch and half of sand. When I put the snails in the tank (in a few days I hope) I'm going to put some cheato in it...


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
Fireykat yes you can convert mollies over. but they by nature are fresh water. so in time they will die....i had 4 of them for about 7 months and then they kicked. they were the last ones added and nothing else died. again by nature they are fresh water....
I decided to research this myself and this is what I found:
In the wild, the Molly is found in environments influenced by tidal waves. The environment created by a tropical flood or stream emptying into the sea is a typical Molly habitat. This means that your Molly will do much better if you keep it in a brackish aquarium. Mollies are capable of surviving in a fresh water aquarium as well, but will be more vulnerable to diseases.


Active Member
lookin good terri, lookin good, get u some snails in the next couple of days an you'll be golden :p
on a side note, check out my thread, i got some updates :p


Originally Posted by Cayman
Cheetos? Wouldn't that leave a lot of orange puffs floating around? LOLOLOL

Of course I am kidding. Well post some new pictures soon!!!

I think orange things floating would brighten things up!!

Originally Posted by mboswell1982

lookin good terri, lookin good, get u some snails in the next couple of days an you'll be golden :p
on a side note, check out my thread, i got some updates :p
I'm getting snails tonight if I can make it to the fish store when I get off work before they close. :) Off to check out your updates!!
As of last night: 0 on all bad things!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fireykat04
I decided to research this myself and this is what I found:
In the wild, the Molly is found in environments influenced by tidal waves. The environment created by a tropical flood or stream emptying into the sea is a typical Molly habitat. This means that your Molly will do much better if you keep it in a brackish aquarium. Mollies are capable of surviving in a fresh water aquarium as well, but will be more vulnerable to diseases.
Glad to see you taking it upon yourself to research the different species that you would like to have. My understanding of brackish fish is that they prefer a specific gravity of around 1.008, so whether they are in fresh water of a reef they aren't really in their ideal habitat in either one. I would be led to believe that being kept in either one would indeed shorten their life span, but I have never kept one. If you do it I would be interested to see how long the lived for.


Originally Posted by subielover
Glad to see you taking it upon yourself to research the different species that you would like to have. My understanding of brackish fish is that they prefer a specific gravity of around 1.008, so whether they are in fresh water of a reef they aren't really in their ideal habitat in either one. I would be led to believe that being kept in either one would indeed shorten their life span, but I have never kept one. If you do it I would be interested to see how long the lived for.
This is true, never thought of it that way. I have been researching corals and fish. I definitely don't want to kill anything from lack of light or wrong perimeters of something. Which makes me wonder; 6 months or so down the line when I'm sure EVERYTHING is good. Could I keep a BTA under the T5's?


Active Member
Yes, I think you certainly could. As long as all parameters are in check, you have the lighting for it. Only thing to worry about is when you first add the anemone. Sometimes they will roam for a bit until they find a place where they are comfy, in the process they can burn any coral they touch.


Originally Posted by subielover
Yes, I think you certainly could. As long as all parameters are in check, you have the lighting for it. Only thing to worry about is when you first add the anemone. Sometimes they will roam for a bit until they find a place where they are comfy, in the process they can burn any coral they touch.
I have read that in several threads. When I get an anemone; I'll make it a day that I can stay home and keep an eye on it. Plus I doubt I'll have that much coral by then (I don't think I'll go crazy buying). I'm trying to do this slooooowly...


Originally Posted by Cayman
Kat... Where are you? I have been waiting for an upate and some pictures!!

Hiiiiiiii busy weekend! But, here's an update:
It's been 17 days and yesterday I put the clean up crew in:
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
SG 1.025
PH 8.2
Temp 82
I added 10 nassarius snails, 4 Trochus, 3 ceriths, 1 nerite, 1 blue legged hermit and 1 burgundy hermit. They are working away at the brown diatom. The nerite is the best. he's a cleaning machine. Wish I could find more Nerites locally! They say they are hard to come by. So I'll try to take some pics tonight! I'm thinking if the water stays stable this week (I test every night) I'll add a fish next weekend. YES??? First fish will be a firefish, since they are so shy. I figure let it establish it's territory and get to the know the tank before adding anyone else.

Also thinking (if I can find it) that my first coral will be ORA Long Polyp leather; from what I've been reading, they say it's easy to keep???? Any input on that one? How long do U think before I can add coral?


Originally Posted by Cayman
I say YES!!! Add the fish!!!

Looking forward to seeing some new pics!!

LOL, not much to see right now. I can take a pick of how well the nerite cleaned the diatom bloom off the rock. :)
Also thinking (if I can find it) that my first coral will be ORA Long Polyp leather; from what I've been reading, they say it's easy to keep???? Any input on that one? How long do U think before I can add coral?


Originally Posted by Fireykat04
Hiiiiiiii busy weekend! But, here's an update:
It's been 17 days and yesterday I put the clean up crew in:
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
SG 1.025
PH 8.2
Temp 82
Did you do, or should I do, water changes during (or at the end of the cycle) to get your nitrates back down to 0? I ask cuz I am on day 15 and my nitrates are still 10ppm.


Originally Posted by JMill
Did you do, or should I do, water changes during (or at the end of the cycle) to get your nitrates back down to 0? I ask cuz I am on day 15 and my nitrates are still 10ppm.
Yes I did a 10% water change. A wise one here said "never to early to get into the habit of doing water changes".