Fire at home - tank put out fire!

randy 13

We came home Friday night to our smoke detectors going off and the smell of smoke outside our home. We called 911 and 40 minutes later the volunteer fire department showed up (that's the big disadvantage to living out in the country).
Another fire department (not volunteer) also arrived.
The fire was already out by the time we got home.
I had a 90 gallon reef in my office (3rd floor) and the power strip (won't say which one right now until the fire investigator determines that is for sure what caused it) caught fire and never flipped off. In fact, when we went into that room after the fire, the power strip was still in the reset position and not the off position. The fire spread through the office and blew out the window, which in turn caused the door to shut (which kept the fire from spreading). The aquarium (acrylic) melted away and put out the fire.
The office is a total loss. We have holes in the floor, fax/printer is melted, tv melted, plastic floor protector melted to carpet, light switches melted, desk burned, etc.
The rest of the house has extensive smoke damage. New carpet needed through entire 3 floors, and they're not sure if any bedroom or living room furniture is salvageable. The cieling in the living room (2nd floor) is black, kitchen floor is black, furniture is black, shower and bathtub are black, etc.
They will pack up all my belongings and take them to their warehouse for cleaning. We will not be able to move back in for 6-8 weeks. My youngest (7) daughter's room was next to the office. She hasn't seen the house and I don't intend to let her. She doesn't need to see it. She's already very upset that her stuffed animals will not be able to be cleaned.
My oldest daughter (14) is hoping for new clothes. Typical teenager.
The power was off for about 20 hours. We only lost a flame angel out of the other 90 reef. But we only had 4 fish at the time anyway and all were very small. We lost several frogspawns and possibly both fleshy limpets.
The 55 fish only looked worse because it had a black skim on top of the water. We lost all 5 green chromis and a couple of firefish. But our breeding tomato clowns are good.
We added magnums filled with carbon and a filter pad to both tanks and they did much better.
I know my insurance policy says "animals" are not covered so I am thinking nothing in the demolished tank is going to be replaced. But I know they'll replace the tank, filter, etc.
At first the fireman said the powerstrip was overloaded. But I asked my husband (who is an electrician) and he said that in no way was it overloaded. Not only did we only have 4 items plugged into an 8 item powerstrip but those items don't pull a lot of juice. Plus the strip never flipped off. Instead, our breakers flipped.
If the investigator does determine it was the powerstrip, I will let you all know because this is powerstrip was manufactured by an aquarium related mfg. company.
All other pets are fine - which shocks me because when we opened the door the cat came running to us from upstairs where the worst of the smoke was...and the white on him is now dark grey. The dog was accidentally left outside so he wasn't in and he has breathing problems so the smoke would have really hurt him. The two baby bunnies were in the basement behind a closed door so they are good too. But the poor fish and corals boiled to death in the burned out room.
Thank God for insurance.


What a huge bummer Randy. Tragic to loose so much. Hope you keep your heads up and rebound soon. Good luck!


Active Member
Sorry to hear this man. I know what it is like as my girlfriend's house recently cought fire. Not a total loss, but a HUGE pain getting everything cleaned and restored.
Glad to hear that some of your fish made it! My girlfriends cats also were in the house when it was on fire. They were hiding in the basement and are totally fine. Animals have good instincts about these things!
The important thing is that you and your family are alright. Everything else can be replaced. Give your kids a big hug as many die every year in fires. You never know when your number is up.
Good luck!


Wow! We're all glad to hear that you and your family are alright!! You're lucky too, that the fire was contained to the one room. I'm sorry about the mess and loss of your fish.


Man! I'm sooo sorry to hear about this, but glad that you're safe. I had a friend who's house burned to the ground Christmas Eve. Lost everything, including his cat and over 300 lady gouldian finches. They think the tree caused it.
I'm really interested in that power strip. I wonder if it's the same one I've got. One side you can set on a timer and the other side you can't. I've got five items hooked up to mine, pump, PH, heater, light and skimmer. Granted, the skimmer only runs at night and the light only during the day, so I guess I really only have four items running off it.
Try to think of this as an opportunity to try new things and fix some things you weren't happy about. I know it's hard, but you'll get through it!


that stinks! I lost a whole home in 92, including my 2 cats & irreplacable memories, but i saved pictures by floating them in a basin of water and letting them dry flat. I hope all works out. thank good heavens that everyone survived! the material posessions are only material, and you will replace that. builders create new homes, but no one can replace your family. my thoughts and prayers are with you all


Wow, you must be really far out to have a response time of 40 minutes from both a career and volley department. Really 40 minutes... that must have seemed like days to you while you were waiting! Sorry for your loss... thank God your family is safe.
good luck.

randy 13

Thank you all for the replies. We do feel very, very fortunate that everyone is alright.
The fire investigator was out there today. He said it definately started in the powerstrip and it was not overloaded. However, they don't know if they're going to pursue subrogation or not. He said he has seen a lot of powerstrip fires caused by saltwater aquariums. He said the saltwater will drip into the powerstrip and corrode the contacts and over time it does more damage in the powerstrip and eventually catches fire.
But we had our powerstrip on the side of the aquarium - not behind it. Saltwater never entered this powerstrip.
He also said that even if it is the powerstrip, it's very hard to prove in court that saltwater never entered the strip. Sooooo, they're looking into wether they want to subrogate or not.
So, just a warning for everyone. We all know saltwater should not enter our powerstrips. However, if some does drip in there, you're not always safe because months later, it can cause a fire.
Thanks again for the replies.


Ok ...
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin subrogatus, past participle of subrogare, surrogare -- more at SURROGATE
: to put in the place of another; especially : to substitute (as a second creditor) for another with regard to a legal right or claim
what does this mean to you and your situation?


Active Member
Sad about the fish. But thank god it did not happen at night when the kids were asleep. As long as there ok all is well. PM me your address and I will send your littleone a new stuffed animal - a cute little Sirius Dog (not for children under 3yo).


Glad to hear your family is doing well despite the terrible event. I can't imagine going though something like that.
Since the fire inspector claims it was the power strip, can you post the brand of strip you had? I doubt it would be considered slander anymore.


Randy 13, our prayers are with you! Glad your family are all OK! You've brought up some real good points about salt conduction that everyone should know. I have been told by many that any power strip is a risk. Remember when that insurance company replaces your tank that was 190 gal not a 90 gal. Right :thinking:

randy 13

Sammie - This means nothing to me and my family. But to the insurance company it means they're hoping to go after the maker of the power strip and make them responsible/accountable for the damage in hopes that some or all of the money they put out for the claim is reimbursed.
ninjamini - I'll PM you. THank you very much. I know my daughter will really appreciate it. I know I do.
As far as the brand of power strip - it is Energy Savers Unlimited - Coralife - Power Center with one timer on it with four constant plug in, 2 daylight plug ins and 2 night time plug ins.
I have read on this and other boards that the timer quits working after a while and doesn't turn off. My husband said that he feels it's possible if the timer didn't turn off the light then the contacts in the timer got too hot and started the fire.
Just to clarify - the fire investigator said it was the timer that caused the fire but doesn't know if it was faulty or if saltwater got in there. I can tell you, I always had the power strip to the side of the aquarium and about 6 inches away from the aquarium so that we wouldn't have this problem.


I'm so glad you and your family (and your pets!) are safe and sound. My father is a firefighter in our city, and their average response time is 2.3 minutes. He said that over a 40 minute period, your entire house could have very easily been burned to the ground, and that you're very lucky you had that tank to stop the fire. BTW, he also said the livestock would have died instantly if the room was hot enough to melt the aquarium, so it might make you feel a little better to know that they didn't suffer.
My house was only in a small fire once and we didn't lose much, but I can understand your relief still. I was in a car accident just before Christmas...a guy was speeding and plowed into my car, while myself and two of my friends were in it. It was my first car and I miss it, I loved it, but I'm so thankful that's all I lost. The police told my father that if the other driver had been going just a little faster, or if my car hadn't held up as well, myself and my front passenger could have lost our legs. I'd much rather lose my car than my legs or my friends, and I know you'd much rather lose your office and tank than, heaven forbid, someone in your family.
My email address is Send me your address--I have a few stuffed animals I'd be happy to send to your little girl. They're all clean, not falling apart, well-cared for and still have a lot of love left in them. I'm sure she'd like them. :)
I'm very, very sorry for you loss, but I'm so glad that everyone is okay.