Fire shrimp compatibility Q


Well-Known Member

I can't seem to find any info on this...Can I keep cleaner shrimp, and peppermint shrimps with a fire shrimp?

Fire shrimps look fantastic, but I have cleaner and peppermint shrimps already.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Flower

I can't seem to find any info on this...Can I keep cleaner shrimp, and peppermint shrimps with a fire shrimp?%%
Fire shrimps look fantastic, but I have cleaner and peppermint shrimps already.
Yes. Fire Shrimp are also a member of the Cleaner Shrimp Genus. All Cleaner Shrimp are compatible as long as there are no severe differences in size. Large Cleaner Shrimp will eat tiny Cleaner Shrimp, even if they are the same species.
Cleaner Shrimp Genus = Lysmata.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Yes. Fire Shrimp are also a member of the Cleaner Shrimp Genus. All Cleaner Shrimp are compatible as long as there are no severe differences in size. Large Cleaner Shrimp will eat tiny Cleaner Shrimp, even if they are the same species.
Cleaner Shrimp Genus = Lysmata.

Thanks, SWF just made a sale!


Active Member
My 2nd cleaner shrimp is more reclusive than my fire shrimp. I've kept CBS, Fire shrimp, cleaners, peppermints all at the same time without problems but I think I'm lucky with the CBS not bothering anything.
I agree with it being a beautiful shrimp and my tank will always have one.

bang guy

I don't know if the picture shows it but that Skunk Cleaner on my thumb is huge. Usually they live 3 or 4 years, that fella is 7 years old.


Active Member
That is a really old cleaner -- Gratz!

My CBS is going on 4 years -- hides under his cave during the day and roams around all night long.


Well-Known Member

I was always told to try never put my hand in the tank, however whenever I do the cleaner jumps right on. It’s a sea bug so I really don't want it on me.

I just think the bright red color is so bold, so I wanted to get the fire shrimp too.
The peppermints I never seen, they always hid. I assume they are dead now because aiptasia has bloomed everywhere again. I am also missing my red lipped blenny, and one cleaner shrimp, all were rock dwellers and I suspect my green brittle. So he has now go to go to a new home next water change, or before next shipment of critters.
He is so big he is really easy to get to. It plays dead as soon as I touch it, I can pick him right up. I hate to get rid of him but he is eating my other pets. First my anemone, now my brittle star. Seems all the really cool stuff are killers in Saltwater life.


Originally Posted by Flower
First my anemone, now my brittle star. Seems all the really cool stuff are killers in Saltwater life.
one of my books has the Green Brittle Star listed as a "fish killer" and it says not to buy one :eek:

tank a holic

Active Member
I have seen my green brittle, while reaching for food, touch fish, crabs and snails. Every time this happens he pulls back his arm and reaches in another direction

I'll say he's 7 inches tip to tip


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
I have seen my green brittle, while reaching for food, touch fish, crabs and snails. Every time this happens he pulls back his arm and reaches in another direction

I'll say he's 7 inches tip to tip

Tip to tip mine is 18 inches. His disc is the size of a silver dollar. I had it along time before critters went missing. They are listed in the books as fish killers, when they get big. Mine is now...big.


Active Member
Just my $.02, I have four skunk cleaners and 3 fire shrimp in my 125. 2 out of the 3 fire shrimp are out all of the time, the other comes out at feeding time. The skunks are out ALL OF THE TIME and will clean me any time I try to do anything in the tank (clean powerheads, put in new powerheads, flip over a snail in trouble, etc....). I LOVE my shrimp....they are the reason that I don't have my 2 favorite fish, a porcupine puffer and a blue throat/jaw trigger...if there is even a chance that a fish would eat my shrimp...they don't go into my tank!