That's a good argument for getting rid of speed limits and income taxes - after all, people cheat on their taxes and speed, so there's no point in having laws about them. Let's not get into anti-theft laws! Or else, use some common sense and admit that there are people who should not have guns, and society needs to do what is necessary to make it more difficult for those people to get them. So what if they can get knives - how many people can be killed by an assault knife in 30 seconds?
I am assuming you have children. If one of your children break a window by throwing a it just that child that is in trouble or do you not allow any of your children to handle baseballs?
We make these issues far more complicated than they should be.That is the problem. Plus it is all based off fear. Usually an unfounded fear. As the odds of being shot by an assault weapon in a mass killing are far less likely than being struck by lightning and killed. There are 54 lightning fatalities a year in this country. There are roughly over 500 people struck by lightning a year.
In 2011 just under 400 people were killed by Rifles. There is no designation to know if the rifles used were assault Rifles. But for arguments sake we will say they were. Of those 400 in 2011 only 6 of those deaths were done in a mass shooting.
Statisticly those support gun bans or limitations are doing it backwards. Magazine size has no correlation to mass murders anymore than assault rifles do. Columbine, not one single assault rifle. The 2011 Tucson shooting not one single assault weapon. Both of those shootings the gun contained magazines that held no more than 8 shots.