First aquarium setup, high temperature!



I'm setting up my first aquarium (Biocube 29), added the live rocks and live sand today. My tank stabilized at 86 degrees today, is this way too high for corals, anenome and fish to live? I plan to start adding as soon as my tank cycles. Unfortunately it's summer in Miami and it gets hot outside. I was hoping to avoind spending more money by purchasing a chiller. If there's no way around it what chiller is suitable for a Biocube 29? And does adding one mean modifying the tank, I have no sump.


WELCOME to SWF....Does this tank have a lid? if so...remove it...or open the front. You can try a small fan to blow across the water too....Since you don't have fish yet you have time
86 is too high though.....what is your room temp? Can you turn that down a degree or 2


fans, helped alot for me, but I have a sump too. It also has alot to do with the room temperature!


Hi there,
Originally Posted by sdch1000
I'm setting up my first aquarium (Biocube 29), added the live rocks and live sand today. My tank stabilized at 86 degrees today, is this way too high for corals, anenome and fish to live? I plan to start adding as soon as my tank cycles. Unfortunately it's summer in Miami and it gets hot outside. I was hoping to avoind spending more money by purchasing a chiller. If there's no way around it what chiller is suitable for a Biocube 29? And does adding one mean modifying the tank, I have no sump.
When you say stabilize you mean without a heater? If so that it's due to the equipment or room tempearture. Either way, if you are going to run at this temperature for a very long time, you must look into a way too cool the water down even a few degrees to like 82 would be better than 86.


Active Member
Try keeping the lid open and a fan to blow air across the top as others said. Keepng ur room cool helps a ton. Is 86 with ur lights on or off. U can keep ur lights off durng the cycle.


Going with the lid opened is not bad for the tank, in fact it helps some. As far as salt creep, you will be seeing alot of it if you go with an opened lid.


I'll give the lid open a try and see how that goes, and maybe a small fan. But somehow I don't see that getting the temp down enough. During the summer room temp is like 88+. I run the AC when I'm home but not when at work, so the temps will most likely climb when I'm away. I've only ran the light for a few hours today, so I'm not sure how much is caused by the lights or room temp.
Looks like a chiller might be what I need for now. Damn, $700 bucks so far and still not fish! This is an expensive hobby.


I'm thinking of making my own chiller. How cool is this mini fridge. I'm willing to try it for only $40. Good thing I watched Macgyver as a kid.


Originally Posted by sdch1000
I'll give the lid open a try and see how that goes, and maybe a small fan. But somehow I don't see that getting the temp down enough. During the summer room temp is like 88+. I run the AC when I'm home but not when at work, so the temps will most likely climb when I'm away. I've only ran the light for a few hours today, so I'm not sure how much is caused by the lights or room temp.
Looks like a chiller might be what I need for now. Damn, $700 bucks so far and still not fish! This is an expensive hobby.

Well the chiller does not have to be added till the fish are going be added. Have you looked into how much it would cost you to run the AC all day at 82 degrees?


Originally Posted by sdch1000
I'll give the lid open a try and see how that goes, and maybe a small fan. But somehow I don't see that getting the temp down enough. During the summer room temp is like 88+. I run the AC when I'm home but not when at work, so the temps will most likely climb when I'm away. I've only ran the light for a few hours today, so I'm not sure how much is caused by the lights or room temp.
Looks like a chiller might be what I need for now. Damn, $700 bucks so far and still not fish! This is an expensive hobby.

Open the lid and pick up a few clip on fans. They do a world of difference. You will have to top off more often.