First Clown Fish


New Member
Hey guys, I'm currently trying to set up my first salt water tank. I have little room and all I really want is a tank with one True Percula Clownfish. I have been told I could keep it in a Eclipse 6, what do you guys think?

bang guy

Welcome Vincent!
Close call. I'm inclined to say it's possible but you'll need to be really diligent about water changes and maintaining water parameters.
If this is your first Saltwater tank then I think it's a bad idea.

bang guy

Percula rarely grow past 2.5" so you're right there. The problem is maintaining good water quality in small tanks. It requires expert care. Larger tanks are so much easier to maintain.


Active Member
Do a 20. 20 gallons are small enough, PERECT for a clown to thrive, and u can put another one or two fish in with it. Possibly a mated pair of clowns. THAT would be great.


i think 10 would be perfect for a single percula clown. it definitely has more floor space than eclipse 6 and also does not take up much space.......a perfect desktop tank.....I've kept ocellaris clown in 10 (Eclipse 1 w/ a retrofitted lighting system) for more than 3 years, and she's been doing really well....she hasn't grown a lot, but she is happier than ever! long as you pay close attention to water quality......should be fine...btw, welcome to the world of saltwater fish!!