First clown! Is it lazy?


Hey all, I got my first clown (perc) its in a 60g all alone with only inverts & all it does is swim in the corners & up & down the back glass? Got him yestarday dripped him for 3 hours & when I put him in he was fine & never once showed any singes of stress, eats well but is a bit boring to watch. Is this normal will he eventully cruise the tank? He was in a 25g at the lfs & would think he would love the room, could he be lonely? By the way there is 48lbs of lr for him to hide in. Is normal??? :notsure:


Active Member
Mine did the same thing for a LONG time, but after a few months he started cruising the entire tank.


Active Member
Don't worry, I have seen LOTS of posts on here from people who's clowns did the same thing at first and now they are fine. I think it's a clown thing! :happyfish

bang guy

A. percula don't typically cruise the tank. They are extrordinarily territorial. Some never leave a 6" area for their entire lives.
Yours appears to be suffering from seperation anxiety (from being moved). They usually get over this within a week. It's nothing to worry about. Don't try to force them to eat, it will get hungry when it gets used to the new digs.


Thanks that makes me feel better, he is eating well so I dont need to worry about that.


Originally Posted by HiFi
Thanks that makes me feel better, he is eating well so I dont need to worry about that.
What are you feeding him? I bought one on Sunday and he has been dissinterested in flake, pellet, and chopped krill (it did nibble on a few bites though). Any thoughts? He is otherwise healthy and in a QT tank.


Mine eats both, flake & pellet. He has been eating well since I put him in, as soon as he sees food he goes for it. I like using pellet because it sinks & he has to swim for it

Hes starting to move from his spot once & a while :joy:


Originally Posted by mlandrigan
What are you feeding him? I bought one on Sunday and he has been dissinterested in flake, pellet, and chopped krill (it did nibble on a few bites though). Any thoughts? He is otherwise healthy and in a QT tank.
Just keep offering food and be patient. The two percs I added to my tank went off of food for about 3-4 days then started "nibbling" at food. Now they are like two old sows neck deep in the feed trough!!!!


My clown pair also eats ANYTHING that falls in the tank, when i put the snail in the tank, they kept nibbling at the shell to see if it was food :)
the snail just crusied along the glass like he didnt even notice. lol


Just to let you know I added a clarkii in my tank with the perc!!! Dripped him for about 3hours then slipped him in, they were both checking each outher out but are happy :cheer:
The perc is now more active now, he was lonely. Oh yeh just thought Id let you know they are both eating very well as soon a food hits the water there on it. I hope they get along in the long term. I checked into it alot & I found lots of others have put in a perc & a clarkii with no problems so I hope they stay friends

bang guy

I'm sure there are a lot of cases where a Perc and a Clarki are getting along. I think what you're not hearing about are the 90% of the cases where the Clarki turned female after a couple of years and killed the Perc.
This doesn't usually work. I'm not saying it can't work but I don't recommend it because the odds are against a happy outcome.


:thinking: any suggestions? In a couple years sell one that would work
I dont want to let fish fight its not worth it to me. They are both small so I think I will keep a eye on em if I see anything werid then I will seperate them. Thanks Bang Guy Im glad somone told me. Ill be watching them ***)