First fish allready dying


Originally Posted by twood
How is your fish doing? Does he still have white spots?
No more spots they left as fast as they had come. He is back to his powerhead again. This time I put a cover on it though. He is doing great! Still loves to eat and is very active at night. Im guessing he likes when the kids are asleep lol. I am going to go get him a friend this weekend though. I think he would like a tank mate. Im having problems figuring out what to get though.


Active Member
I was under the impression that this tank was like 20 gallons or something?
Refresh my memory??
Assuming I am remembering right, I would say there are alot of things you could do.
- another clown (of the same type)
-flame hawk
-fire fish
-royal gramma
-bi color blenny
- MAYBE a dwarf atlantic pygmy angel (if the tank is a big enough)
There are some other possibilities too but I just wasn't sure how big the tank is.
Also, are you going to do corals down the road? Or just a fish only tank?


Active Member
Beware. The ick is not gone. It is still there and will be always be there. Anything you buy might carry it too, but also, if you put another fish in there, he might have spots quickly too.
just an fyi...


I am doing a few corals, pulsing xenia, zoos, and ricordia. It is a 40 gallon. He may or may not have had ich also. I don't think what he displayed was normal ich behavior, but being new I could be wrong. (Thats not to say ich isnt in my tank though.. I think there is a chance there could be tons of icky things I just dont know about) My game plan for that is to keep good water parms, feed well, and just try to keep everything extremely healthy. I am not doing any corals any time soon so my game plan is to buy the fish I want over the next few months. When I have all the fish I will do a hyposalin treatment on everyone.


Last year I purchased an "Sebrae Clown" and he was beautiful. He was eating but swimming strange. This kept up for about 2 weeks & I decided to put some more fish in. No sooner than I put my Flame Angel in (within 24 hours) my clown fish started swimming normal and playing w/the other fish. Never had trouble again with him. So maybe he's lonely and need some buddies in the tank w/him.


Active Member
Good idea. It is your tank, and whatever you decide to do, hope that it works for the best.
The coral game plan sounds good too. You should let your tank mature.
Since it's a 40 gallon, you could DEFINITELY do the fish that I listed above, and more.
To give you an idea, in my 45 gal, I had
2 perc clowns
1 royal gramma
1 mandarin goby
1 atlantic dwarf pygmy angel
3 emerald crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 haitian anemone
Still have all these guys and more. I have found them all to be really hardy and nice to watch.
You could also do
lyretail anthias (keep 2 or more always)
long nose hawkfish
4 wheel drive goby (so fun to watch and keeps the sand CLEAN)
lol the list never ends..... Just don't over stock.