(First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System


Active Member
Somewhere in this thread that question has been asked before and he declined to answer. To me I do not care for people asking how much things cost because it is irrelevant to me. If someone really wanted to know how much this project cost all you have to do is make a list of all the components and do a little research if it is that important to you. I am not trying to harp on anyone, I just feel that there is too much emphasis put on the monetary value of our existence. For me things of that nature are personal.


Originally Posted by gypsana
Somewhere in this thread that question has been asked before and he declined to answer. To me I do not care for people asking how much things cost because it is irrelevant to me. If someone really wanted to know how much this project cost all you have to do is make a list of all the components and do a little research if it is that important to you. I am not trying to harp on anyone, I just feel that there is too much emphasis put on the monetary value of our existence. For me things of that nature are personal.

Well it's nice that you feel that way, but please keep your opinion to yourself so the rest of us who would like to know what it cost, can get an answer. No one is asking you about your setup so you should have no problem with the question personally.


Active Member
they have the same free will to ask the price as you do to say it bothers you. if its stated that he doesnt want them to ask then the poster should have read that. instead of keep getting bashed. next time just say the original poster doesnt not want to give prices. thats all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rappa
Well it's nice that you feel that way, but please keep your opinion to yourself so the rest of us who would like to know what it cost, can get an answer. No one is asking you about your setup so you should have no problem with the question personally.
That is what these boards are for and I feel I should be free to my opinions just like everyone else. I do not feel that I was being rude about it. Sorry if some people do not like how I feel.


Yeah your opinions are great and they are welcomed when it comes to reef or fish keeping or anything else that someone may ask you on this board. It just kinda rubbed me the wrong way when blasted the guy for asking the question that most people want to know whether they admit it or not. He may not want to answer the question and that's fine, but it's not rude to ask. We are all in the same hobby and should be able to share info on what a certain setup costs...


Active Member
honestly with out any other meaning besides what im going to say, i do see other peoples set up and wonder if i can swing that. its not tryin to see if the person got money, look at the set up and the house. looks to me like he can handle it. i think there was no pun intended just a question.
its not like they asked in a smart alik way.


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
i have spa flex at the two major home improvement stores near me, also at the two near my job miles away from the other two stores. so around me in jersey you can get them no prob. at these stores there usually near the plumbing supplies, also try near hot tub supplies.
where did you said they have those?
BTW. I live in N Middletown


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
ok I took out a lof of nonsense so please keep it on topic for those of you that took it off topic!!

i was wondering were all that went. but better off with out it, it was killin his thread.
i wonder how the sumps and the frag tank are coming along. any new pics.


I just spent the last 45min of my night checking out this thread..........this is by far one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in a home (world wide) ..........Good luck dude!!!!! u deserve it!!!!!! I'll be a regular on this thread for now on.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by jkcrumb
I just spent the last 45min of my night checking out this thread..........this is by far one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in a home (world wide) ..........Good luck dude!!!!! u deserve it!!!!!! I'll be a regular on this thread for now on.........

welcome to the addiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
wow! i am a newbie to the hobby, and i have to say... watching everything come together in your project is definitely inspiring me to stay in this hobby. i like how everyone gets involved with suggestions. great job, i will be showing this thread to my family.
biglou is alamo city.


Active Member
Following this thread, I have to say this is one of THE BEST threads I have ever seen !! I'm extremely impressed with this tank and it is a very well-planned project. I practically got a headache watching this all come together.
A great job well done !! Now, when you gonna sell your house with the tank set up ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
i wonder how the sumps and the frag tank are coming along. any new pics.
