First Shark in 1650 Gal Tank


My 1650 finally finished cycling about 2 weeks ago. My bamboo and leopard will be going in, one at a time over the next few months. I bought a 15" Horn shark, and she's already in the tank. She loves it:D
I have a black tip on hold, and he'll be arriving in about 3 weeks.


I cant get these pics to show up in my post. Any ideas? I've done it before, but these ones wont work:(
Heres one of the Horn shark. Maybe it'll work:)


Ahhhh. That's how its done:D Sorry for posting so many times, I had to get it right.
Here's another of the tank.


what are your tank dementions? how much live rock? how did you cycle it? how long?how much for salt?
im might be starting up a 1700 gal tank soon. ill be keeping horn sharks and smoothounds.


Here's a pic taken just before I added the skimmer. I also have 2 UV's and 2 fluidized bed filters going in this week. I'll add a pic of those later:)
Fishy88: About 150 lbs uncured LR, 5-6 weeks to cycle, and roughly $650 for salt. I used water, sand, grunge, LS, and media from my other tanks to kick the cycle off. If you are interested in more details on my tank, check out my posts here in the aggressive forum or in the DIY section.


Treble: come on down:)
OceanClear: I bought the sharks I have now from LFS. The black tip is coming from an importer. I've never done business with him before, but have heard good things. I'll have to wait and see how it works out for me. If you'd like his info, email me.
ReefSOE: Nah, nurse's get too big, and wobbys are too aggressive. Cant wait to get the black tip though:)


Nice hand prints near your RO...
Ok nurses do get big an your right about size... I didnt think wobbies were aggressive?


LOL Those hand prints were made by my wife and I. Kinda like a signature:D
Wobby's are nasty ambush predators. They'll nail anything that is unfortunate enough to swim by their face, including other sharks. Too big of a risk for me, especially since some of my sharks are small. Scott Michael's book, Aquarium Sharks and Rays, shows a picture of a wobby killing a smooth hound shark. The smooth hound was the same size as the wobby.:eek: