First tank! (I'm so exited!)


New Member
I just got a 6 gallon tank from my friend because he just upgraded to a 24 gallon.
As of now, this tank is empty.
I'm working with my friend (he's on here somewhere, Ric maniac or something like that?) to get started, he showed me that list of 101 tips to learn. I saw that and my eyes popped out of my head!
Anyways, I've wanted a tank for years now and i finally got one!
I know I have a lot to learn, but I can't decide one thing. What do I put into my tank? I just can't decide. I'll have about 50$ after I buy the live rock and sand, so what do i do with it? Tell me what you think!
Great to be here by the way!


Active Member
First off, welcome.
So 5g tank. What else. Lights? Heater? Powerheads? Test Kit? If you need that stuff, your $50 will be gone pretty quick.
Cycle the tank - Anywhere from 3 weeks up to get it cycled.
Start taking pics now. Keep a picture thread on the Fish Photography section so you can watch your own progress.


Congrats Welcome!!
Take it slow and you will fall in love with this hobby and find yourself looking for a bigger tank someday.
Go to fast and rush you will get frustrated and see all the money YOU lost and not what you maybe did wrong and maybe quit all together and that would be just sad!
We are all here to help! We have all made misstakes and we still will. We learn from each other and that all wrap up makes for happy healthy fish tanks.
So don't be afraid to post your misstakes you learn from them as well as others. We will work you through them. We all started right where you are.
So welcome aboard!!

scopus tang

Active Member
Ditto to the previous two posts
Nothing like the rush of excitement and anticipation from your very first saltwater tank! Just remember that this hobby takes Patience, patience, patience
! Never rush - its worth the wait to do it right the first time - otherwise you spend a ton of money fixing your mistakes instead of adding new things to your tank.
Welcome from another newbie to the forum!

ric maniac

Active Member
Yo, ya he is my best friend lol
and we will be using 6g of water from my tank, he has 32w of pc lighting, stock nano pump with a soon to be penguin pump. And some of my ls to seed his.


New Member
ok, I was just looking at the prices of fish and corals and inverts, and I'm not going to be able to afford anything but inverts! So, in general, how hard are they to keep?

ric maniac

Active Member
Depends on the kind of inverts. What ones are you looking at? And you are forgetting the corals that I frag for you lol.


New Member
Oh yeah! I forgot about those. Not going to be able to afford to buy more though...
For in inverts, I was thinking shrimps, clams, urchins, maybe a duster. If i have room that is...
It would be sweet to have a lobster, but i doubt i have room...

ric maniac

Active Member
Ok, you could get a pair of cleaners... That would be cool. clams wont work unless you have PERFECT conditions, and mh lighting. A pencil urchin or a pincushion urchin would be cool. And a group of 6 dusters would be sweeet. And I still say you need a shrimpgoby with a pistol shrimp, along with the other stuff.


New Member
6 dusters? Ok dude, remember that I can't afford everything in the world because my parents don't care what I get. (Not really how it is, but it seems like it!) That would be all of my spare money just in that!
I know it'll be expensive, but come on!

ric maniac

Active Member
lol... just saying it would be cool. (don't get a lobster, its like putting a $20 bill under your rock) and I have your water in 2 3g buckets


New Member
well, if we go by what I want, my tank would be horribly overcrowded! =P (got to set SOME kind of restraint on myself!)

ric maniac

Active Member
Hehe. Have you considered getting black sand? It doesn't reflect light as well as white sand, but it looks pretty cool. And they sell it at *****.


Active Member
your tank could stand a small goby easy. They dont swim much and pistal shrimps are cool but the popping will wake you up lol.


New Member
Popping? You mean when they snap their claw-things? is it really that loud?
^^...why would I want black sand? any real reason?


welcome and good luck with the tank, like stated take things slow and you will be very happy with the outcome