#1.) Bluespine Unicorn Tang -- Naso unicornis
#2.) Convict Tang -- Acanthurus triostegus
#3.) Orangespot Tang -- Acanthurus olivaceus
#4.) Raccoon Butterflyfish -- Chaetodon lunula
#5.) Arc-eye Hawkfish -- Paracirrhites arcatus
#6.) Moorish Idol -- Zanclus cornutus
#7.) Orangespine, aka Lipstick, aka Naso Tang -- Naso lituratus
#8.) Orangespine, aka Lipstick, aka Naso Tang -- Naso lituratus
#9.) Hawaiian Whitespotted Puffer -- Canthigaster jactator
#10.) Arc-Eye Hawkfish & Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse -- Labroides phthirophagus
#11.) Red Coris Wrasse -- Coris gaimard
#12.) Spectacled Parrotfish -- Chlorurus perspicillatus
#13.) Threadfin Butterflyfish -- Chaetodon auriga
#14.) Threadfin Butterflyfish -- Chaetodon auriga
#15.) Hawaii Cleaners, Convict Tang, and impossible to tell black fish, looks like a damselfish.
#16.) Cauliflower Coral -- Pocillopora meandrina
#17.) Hawaiian Whitespotted & Hawaiian Dascyllus -- Dascyllus albisella
#18.) Stocky Hawkfish -- Cirrhitus pinnulatus
#19.) Therese's Sole, aka Flounder -- Aseraggodes therese
#20.) White Spotted Sea Cucumber -- Actinopyga mauritiana
#21.) Rectangular Triggerfish -- Rhinecanthus rectangulus
#22.) Saddle Wrasse -- Thalassoma duperrey
#23.) Ladder, aka Christmas Wrasse -- Thalassoma trilobatum & Bowtie Damselfish Neoglyphidodon melas
#24.) Whitebar Tang -- Acanthurus leucopareius
#25.) Medusa Worm -- Synaptula hydriformis
#26.) Brown Surgeonfish -- Acanthurus nigrofuscus
The ones I'm not sure about are;
#12 -- The Parrotfish -- hard to tell from pic
#25 -- The medusa worm --exactly which species
#26 -- The tang in the last pic -- could be a number of Acanthurus tangs
#23/#15 -- The damsel/chromis. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's correct ID in #23, and based on that, the unknown black fish in #15 is the adult damsel (they change to all black as adults).