Originally Posted by DPerna
ug, that is disapionting lol. how is it then on swf.com i looked at the blue hippotangs and it said minimum tank 40g, and in books i've read that for the puffers to have no smaller than 55g's, same with the trigger
That's really misleading. Try not to go by the tank sizes recommended on most sites. They are usually underestimated, and often reflect someone's idea of a minimum tank size as opposed to an optimum tank size; Big difference in most cases.
Sadly, you'll usually find a few folks that will tell you the fish will be fine and that they've kept the same fish in smaller tanks with no problems. IME, you're best to do research on the fish you want, including ADULT sizes. THen talk to folks who have kept them long term, not for a few months. The most conscientious hobbyists take great pains to provide the best possible environment for their fish (space, diet, tankmates, etc..) and don't settle for the minimum requirements.
Again, studies show that crowding leads to stress which can weaken immune systems and make fish more susceptible to health problems. If you don't want to commit long term to one of these fish, then buy a juvenile and trade it in after a couple years when it starts to pack some size on. Not really enjoyable in my book, but it's an option.