Fish dead =[


Well last night I noticed my blue yellow tail damsel not being active at all..he did not seem to want to eat and just kind of stayed in a rock...this morning he was they just not have long life spans or what do you think could cause this...all of my other fish seem to be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
Well last night I noticed my blue yellow tail damsel not being active at all..he did not seem to want to eat and just kind of stayed in a rock...this morning he was they just not have long life spans or what do you think could cause this...all of my other fish seem to be just fine.

Maybe it picked a fight with the wrong fish??? They are pretty aggressive. Such a hardy little fish.. can't imagine it just dying, so I suspect something must have killed it.


Originally Posted by Daftboy
only fish i have in the tank are
Purple firefish
PJ cardinal
2 Clown fish
How about some tank info:
Water parameters....anything at all you can think of to tell us about your tank


I also have nothing in there to really "clean" up the fish my Mexican turbo snail was next to it this morning...should i leave it in or take it out?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
only fish i have in the tank are
Purple firefish
PJ cardinal
2 Clown fish
I know clown fish can hold their own if picked on...they work together too. Maybe they ganged up on him

Did the damsel have any battle marks on him?


1. Tank size. 28 Gallons
2. What type of tank and how long has it been running? 04-18-2009
3. Water parameters. Water temp 78 F 1.023 Salinity
4. Set up. Fiji live rock,31 lbs, Live Sand,Canister:Fluval Multi-Stage 05 series 205,180GPH,T-8 over head single fluorescent 20w Pennplax FL20,150 watt heater
5. Livestock. Purple firefish, 2 CLown fish , PJ


I agree with Socal..take the dead fish out...
do you have your ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate readings??
SO you have NO cuc at all??? Just one turbo?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
1. Tank size. 28 Gallons
2. What type of tank and how long has it been running? 04-18-2009
3. Water parameters. Water temp 78 F 1.023 Salinity
4. Set up. Fiji live rock,31 lbs, Live Sand,Canister:Fluval Multi-Stage 05 series 205,180GPH,T-8 over head single fluorescent 20w Pennplax FL20,150 watt heater
5. Livestock. Purple firefish, 2 CLown fish , PJ
I don' know what happened...but if you can fish out his little body, you should remove it. Sometimes critters just die.
Start a journal...keep dates, when you do water changes, filter pad changes, add a new critter, when one dies, and your tests + results.
That way if something continues to go wrong you can look and see a pattern. It is also very helpful when seeking answers to mysteries when you share your notes.
I don't care for damsels myself...but I am sorry for your loss...they are a very pretty fish.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy http:///forum/post/3103783
that's my journal I guess lol
Also what is a CUC
No, it is perhaps one page but not a journal. Each time I add a critter, take a test, lose a critter, do a water or filter change...I write it down...all the way back to when I kept a 55g in 06. I even took pictures and laminated them and put that into the journal as well.
I know you have seen where folks have kept a photo of progression on their tank...this is a written verson...very helpful when things go wrong, because you have a record of the exact time when things started to go down hill...dates, time, medicines...memory isn't perfect even for the young.


cuc= clean up crew
Looking at your "journal" last month you had some snails and crabs die.....Have you done water changes, and tested the water since then?


yes i have done two since then...after doing the last water change about 2 days ago i noticed the bluey not acting normal yesterday


Originally Posted by Daftboy
yes i have done two since then...after doing the last water change about 2 days ago i noticed the bluey not acting normal yesterday
OK, I see an issue here...why do you have ammonia? Ammonia is toxic to fish, and will slowly (or quickly depending on the amount in the tank) kill your fish...
You need to do another water least 10 gallons..if not a little more
Do you have any Prime, or need to detoxify the ammonia


Well after removing him its seems that most of his tail is gone and he has some wounds to the side of him whihc seem to be healed =/


Originally Posted by Daftboy
what is Prime, or Amquel+. ?
They are ammonia/trite/trate removers....actually detoxifiers...
BUT you need to get some water ready, and do a w/c...possible another soon after
you need to get rid of the ammonia