Originally posted by ole o
I bought a new 65g tank 5 weeks ago and put a yellow tank, blue tang, 2 clown, 4 snails, starfish, and an arrow crab in immediately because I was throwing a big party that weekend. Now I know how stupid I was. All fish died and then I started doing research and found this great site. Two weeks have past and I've been cycling. Three days ago I bought a small Volitan Lion and a snowflake eel. The lion is now listless and has lost most of it's color, not to mention what looks to be ich. Please, anyone, where do I go from here. All of my parameters appear to be right in line.
Slow and steady is the Key to this hobby.
Only add fish 1 at a time, then wait atleast 2 weeks, 3-4 preferred before adding the next fish.
This gives time for sufficient bacteria to grow to be able to handle the bio load.
You'll want to "feed" your invisible fish...this will cause amonia that will help your tank cycle.
Make sure you have a PH, Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate Test Kit and something to test the Salinity, Refractometer preferred.
Also during this time...do not do water changes...make sure your PH is at 8.2-8.4 Specific Gravity is 1.025-1.027.
Temp should be around 81ish
Let tank sit for 3-4weeks fishless, while feeding it small amounts of food. The decaying food will help the cycle.