Fish floating on surface


I have fish in hypo in qt. The blackcap basslet has been floating sideways and upside down on the surface for 2 days now. If you touch it,it will swim. It has been eating up untill today.. Any idea what is wrong and can fish survive after they are like this ? Thanks


Active Member

Originally posted by tiencvu
The fish is fine, it was just trying to get some sun tan.
leave it alone

wow great advice!


The PH tends to drop when doing hypo so i would make sure its at an acceptable level. Is the fish breathing heavily? Try posting this in the disease forum and see what kind of replies you get.


Armageddon,I have it posted there,but there aren't many people in that forum and replies are a bit slow.I have been adding ph buffer with water changes everyday. Ph is good.
Waterfaller, I know ammonia is high due to me screwing up. I assumed if I used main tank water for QT it wouldnt cycle. I added some ammo-lock. I just lost a royal gramma doing the same thing , hippo is doing great,yellow tang has red streaks on body but is eating a lot and is very active.I was wondering if fish could survive . What are its chances ?
tiencvu, I thought about what you said and I took it out and put it in the backyard on the hammock.
Thanks all


Active Member
I thought red streaks around the gills were either nitrite or ammonia poisoning.


Doesnt look good,I just did another water change.
I put ammo-lock in the other day so I dont know if these readings are right.
What now? thanks


Thanks all,but it looks worse.What a beautiful fish. It now looks shabby around the fins and tail and isnt eating.


I just started the QT and thought if I used water from my main tank it woudnt go through a cycle. And also I put in a hippo,yellow tang,basslet,royal gramma and damsel all at the same time.All I was thinking about was the hippo that had a cloudy eye and ich and I wasnt thinking about any of the other stuff. Unfortunatly we learn by our mistakes at the expense of fish's lives.By the way the hippo is doing pretty good through this.


using water from your main display will not prevent a cycle in a newly set up QT. what kind of filtration do you have in there? a piece of live rock? a little power filter seeded from your main display? you need to have something with established bacteria on it to handle the fish waste in your QT. Keep doing large water changes and bring your nitrite and ammonia down. vacuum detritus off the bottom of your QT with a siphon to get rid of waste/uneaten food. do you have a substrate in your QT? how large is the tank? please write back, I will keep an eyeball on this post.


Its 20 gallon.Powerhead,small power filter with biowheel,heater. I put a small piece of LR and 5 cups of sand per Beths suggestion. I have been doing daily water changes and vacuuming waste off bottom.The water changes are about 1 gallon from main tank and 2 gallons from freshwater to keep at 1.009. Thanks for the help.


ive been known to change water on a tank with high nitrites twice a day, and I changed around 40-50%. changing one or two gallons (or even three) in a 20 will not really help with your water quality with the speed which you need it to... the dilution/replacement rate is too long and your fish will be subjected to toxic levels for too long. if your nitrites are 2ppm, and you do a 50% water change, then it will/should be reduced to 1ppm, which is still too high...see what I mean?
that said, with all your water changing, how are your params now? any better? keep us posted!


Thanks,I did a large water change last night and will keep doing it . I also added a large power filter ( penquin 330 ) because the water got cloudy over night because the filter carbon was dirty.I changed the carbon and left the original filter ( penguin 100) in tank for now. The basslet is still floating around but still alive.Its not eating so I dont see it surviving.Why is the 3.00 damsel doing the best ? It figures. I hope the tangs make it. How long does this cycle go on ? Thank-you for your help


Active Member
You probably still have too much bioload in the tank.
Your cycle will continue until bacteria have a chance to multiply and break down fish wastes faster then they are made. A hypo tank has little material for bacteria to live on. The carbon in your old filter may have had a large population in it which is now gone. (You may have made things worse!?) Adding the extra filter sounds like a good idea.
Continue to do frequent water changes and the tangs may survive. The basslet sounds like its days are numbered. Damsels are much less sensitive to ammonia or nitrites which is why it is not ill.
I talked to you last week. After I lost 4 of 6 fish my nitrites disappeared and the two fish left are doing great. The hippo tang is getting much more active now.
After reading your posts I am almost happy that my fish died quickly. :confused: It sounds like you've had lots of grief. Hang in there!


Thanks, it has been alot of grief,but the fish get the worst of it. I had an idea today.What if I take some bioballs out of my established canister filter and put them in penguin 300 ? there is space in the filter that I could fit them in.
I ust talked to my wife who is home today and she said water is cloudy.I did a large water change and put in bigger filter last night. This is so frustrating. Well, if they dont make it at least I have a QT setup. I will never put another fish in main tank before QT again.