Fish floating on surface


Active Member
The BioBalls idea sounds logical. However a lot of bacteria that are used to high salinity can not survive in low salinity. That's part of the idea of hypo in the first place, (it kills the parasites). The ones that survive will seed the new filter quicker. Like waiting out the initial cycle, waiting is often the best medicine and the bacteria that can survive hypo will establish themselves. The water changes in the interim will dilute out the ammonia and nitrites that are being produced.
Another possibility would be to get some bioballs from someone running a freshwater, or even better, a brackish tank. Their bacteria may be more likely to survive and thrive?
I agree with you. I'll never put a fish in my display tank without quarantine either. This has been a costly lesson. As long as you don't repeat your mistakes you'll become a better aquarist.


Active Member
I just thought about my previous post.
By adding bioballs from another freshwater/brackish tank while you are doing hypo, could you be actually infecting your fish with freshwater diseases? Can saltwater fish get freshwater ich during hyposalinity?
PS I just attached an avatar and a signature. Do you think it's too much?


I guess I have to do large water changes everyday.I just ordered another bag of reef crystals.I cant believe I have been paying twice as much for it at Petland discounts compared to internet prices. Basslet doesnt have much left to its fins or tail.It hasnt eaten for days and just gets pushed around by the current. I wonder if I should just put it out of its misery.I have one piece of rock in the tank and just saw hippo scratching against it, hope that doesnt mean anything.As far as your avatar,its cool if you like Lord of the rings. I just cant get into it. However I dont see a signature. I need to find a better avatar myself.


Hey Doc, the basslet died .It looked horrible all frayed up. The hippo and blue damsel are doing good , but now the yellow tang, besides the red streaks, eye is bulging out.It is very active and is eating well.I just started maracyn 2. one more week and they out out of there. This really was a horrible experience. The fish didnt enjoy it either.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. I thought he didn't have much of a chance. Hope the Maracyn works and the other fish stay healthy. This cycle is going on for a while! :eek: The only consolation is that you should now have less bioload in the tank and the tank is a few days older. Hopefully the cycle issues will get to be less and less important. Hope those tangs make it!


Thanks for the support. I read your other thread in the disease forum and thought the discussion with Beth was very interesting.


Active Member
I just saw the picture in the disease forum. I would recommend decrease feeding until ammonia is undetectable.
The eye looks horrible!! I have no experience with fish but in humans that eye would probably not heal (perhaps with a corneal transplant! :rolleyes: ). Hopefully the fish can pull through!
Good Luck!


The bulging eye is sounds like popeye. And the red streaks is blood hemoraghing (sp?) Both are caused by a bacterial infection. Maracyn 2 would be your best bet. I've had to use it 3 times for hemoraghing and it worked for all three.
Best of luck


Thanks, I used maracyn 2 . The red streaks went away,but I think the eye is gone. Looks like a scab.
Now the hippo is trying to scratch its body on stuff. They have been in hypo , so how could it get ich ? I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS


do you have the bottom of your tank painted? or the back? having all of the sides reflective will also increase the stress level of your fish... they need to know where up and down is. just advice for the future. i doubt most of your fish will make it, i'd venture a guess that only the damsel will survive. sorry. :(


Active Member
Actually, it sounds like your fish are improving. I agree that the eye looks dead but the fish may make it.
How are your readings? Have you got your ammonia and nitrites down? That may be improving things as much as the Maracyn 2.
I'm not sure what to make of the hippo scratching itself. It may be only getting a little more active as the ammonia level drops. Mine stays next to any structure trying to hide. I'd probably watch it as long as other things are improving.
My survivors continue to do well. Less than a week before I plan to start raising my salinity!


What are your survivors and what did you loose ? Mine are doing better. Looks like eye is gone. What will it look like and can it survive with one eye ? I am pretty much on the same shedule as you. Ammonia and nitrites are down .Does that mean the tank cycled ? thanks


Active Member
Survivors: Sebae Clown (small)
Blue Hippo Tang
Deceased: Yellow Tang
Sebae Clown (large)
Strawberry Pseudochromis
Six-Line Wrasse
I had a freshwater angelfish with only 1 eye. It did well (and actually was neat to show to other people) but had an adjustment trying to learn to eat. It used to swim with the good eye facing forward (for obvious reasons). That eye only had corneal clouding. I also had another freshwater fish which I purchased with a single eye and there was only a small scar where the eye should have been.
If your readings are down then the tank has probably cycled. Adding the substrate and bioballs probably sped up the process of breaking down wastes. Having some fish die and cutting down feeding probably decreased formation of wastes. Hopefully you are through the worst! :)
I just hope that the Maracyn was enough to make sure that the yellow tang's eye doesn't get a secondary infection which could kill it. Good Luck!


Thanks for all your sounds like you have a good handle on things.By the way ,I have a sharp pain in my elbow.Do you know what it is ? Just kidding.You probably get that all the time.I hope all yours make it . I am starting to look into replacements.I probably will start with 3 green chromis and when they are out of QT another Royal Gramma and Blackcap Basslet. Then eventually 2 Percula Clowns.