fish for cycling new tank...please help


are clowns hardy enough to take the ammonia and nitrite spikes that are a part of the "cycle" if not, what fish would be? i have a 29g with LR,LS.


no clowns are not good cycling fish in that size tank you could try the shrimp method which im not that familiar with or go with a few damsels or chromis to cycle the tank maybe even a tiny trigger but it would have to be removed because it would easily outgrow it fast
good luck


Active Member
Ben, I'm a total believer in the raw shrimp method. We used damsels to cycle our 72, I hated it, the poor fish act like they are suffacating(sp), and we didn't seem to get a very good cycle. We cycled our 200gal with 8 raw jumbo shrimp, 6 weeks later the tank was totally done cycling and we have not had one problem with any of the levels, all reading are where they should be. Plus I didn't have to feel bad watching the poor fish try to breath. Lisa


so you just get the regular raw shrimp from the grocery store and drop them into the tank? sounds great, and easy as well which is always a good thing. THANKS LISA! :D


be prepared for a stinch coming from your tank. i highly recommend the shrimp method but man it stunk and looked even worse.


Why not just use pure ammonia to cycle your tank? Go to the grocery store and buy a cheapy bottle of pure ammonia. Don't get anything with dyes or perfumes, or any other cleaning stuff in it just get the pure stuff, it is also usually the cheaoest stuff. Add it a little at a time and then test your water. Stop when the levels get to about 2ppm. After a few days check the levels again if it has dropped add the same amount of ammonia you did before. Keep on doing this for as long as it takes until after 24hrs in the tank you get a reading of 0ppm. Then you will have a fully cycled tank without the stench of rotting shrimp or killing a fish. The cycle will also be faster and more complete since you continue to feed the bacteria that convert ammonia into nitrate so they can grow as well. I have cycled tanks like this for years with great results.


New Member
Which ever method you choose, don't use live fish to cycle your tank. It's so cruel to the fish. Unfortunately, I didn't know about the raw shrimp method, so I used a damsel. He nearly died but I'm glad he pulled through. The torture they go through must be excrutiating. So whatever you do not use live fish.


Active Member
BenTrue, Ya I just went to the grocery store and bought 8 jumbos, they do smell bad after about 3 weeks, we put a couple cans of insences on top of the tank, that took care of the problem. Works the best for cycling!!
And you are welcome for the information! Lisa


i always had success with damsels but after you cycle they can be very nasty when you add fish.


some people actually rent clown triggers to cycle tanks. they rent out very large ones and the tanks cycle quickly due to the large amount of urine clown triggers produce. Id never do that to a poor clown though!


Active Member
i used damsels...they were fine but i had to remove one because he was too mean to his new companions once everything got going.


I used the same set of 5 sgt major damsel to cycle 3 tanks, the fish are extremly hardly and dont think they were affected at all, I eventualy had to get rid of them to aggressive,I have also used mollies w/ no problem at all, took them out of fresh water slowly got them in the salt water they cycled the tank had babies then were put back in fresh water all is fine, when i do my next tank I will start w/ dsb and lr,thats it...good luck


DOes that mean that if I start with LR/dsb that I do not have to cycle a new tank with damsels or the raw shrimp? I was going to convert my cc FO tank to a dsb/FOWLR, but then found a never used 55g tank/stand and thought it would be easier to just set up the new tank (seeding the sand with LS and a nylon bag of my old cc) and when it tested ok, to tear down the old one.


My untimate suggestion is to go to Garf and by some of there Garf Grunge. This stuff is awesome and it can stay in the tank. My 125 gallon cycled in three days. My nitrates and nitrites have been at 0 since that time. Just my 2cents
I actually started out cycling my tank using NitroMax. The raw shrimp wasn't do-able here due to my partner's high allergy to seafood. Even the smell will cause a allergy reaction. I even have my own fridge in the basement dedicated to fish food! After a week of adding the bacteria I added two small damsels and things have been going great since then.


What the heck is Garf Grunge and where do you get it? I have never heard of it, nor seen it listed here on the BB before!


Sorry I have not replied. Been busy lately. I cant post the url but send me and email to and I will give you the link. There is a company called GARF dont remember exactly what is stands for. But the garf grunge is like a live sand activator. If you give them a call they will be able to tell you exactly whats in it(cant remember right now). Pieces of LR and other stuff. My tanks has 20 pounds of it on top of 120 pounds of dead sand that I bought. I has help me keep my nitrates and nitrites down to zero, check them out cant hurt to ask.