Fish getting along

How can you tell if fish are getting along together or not?
I introduce a single clown fish into the tank. After two weeks later...
I introduce another one with one lbs of rocks to change the setting a little.
How can you tell if the two clown fish are getting together or not?
Thank you.


LOL....I think you would notice them fighting.....they can get really mean, and will also leave marks
No. They are just swimming around relaxed i guess. I added rock to somewhat change the terrority the first clownfish would not attack the newly introduced one. How would i know if they are getting along together aside from not fighting?


Basically from the LACK of fighting......
so if they are NOT fighting....well then they are getting along...I have 2 clowns in my 225G that are best buds. I had 2 in my 54G that faught....believe me I clown was tore up....I had to seperate them. I now have one clown in the 54g, and 1 in the 29G LOL
XDDD ahh i am so sorry to hear :( Can a clown fish die from being bully by the other clown? Like not even fighting. Just a submission. Thank you for the quick replies!


If left to be beaten daily, of course it can die.....the wounds can get infected
BUT.....I do not think you have a would know
Ok thank you! Do you have an idea of what water flow should tank circulate at? Current pump is a 60 GPH. I was thinking either upgrading to a 85 GPH or 120 GPH.
Three in one filter? Sponge linked to stable environment and then the water pump that is at 60gph... Lol ya... it came with it. I was thinking of changing it to 120 GPH. Would you suggest that?


Originally Posted by gundamseed31 http:///forum/thread/383150/fish-getting-along#post_3349011
Three in one filter? Sponge linked to stable environment and then the water pump that is at 60gph... Lol ya... it came with it. I was thinking of changing it to 120 GPH. Would you suggest that?
Honestly.....I would suggest a koralia 1
can you post a picture or the name of this filter? I'm curious what it is
I honestly don't know the brand.
this like the only info i can provide. i don't want to take out the pump right now. Does koralia need a control unit?

  • Flow: 60 GPH

  • Color: Grey

  • Durable ABS Construction: smooth precision finish

  • Built-in 3 Stage Filtration System: Mechanical, Biological, Chemical
    Complete starter kit with everything you need: pump, filter, lighting and fan
    Pump: the included submersible pump is rated at 60 GPH for water circulation
    Filteration system: This discreet filtration system is hidden to provide maximum space for your aquarium inhabitants. Sponge filter traps detritus and free-floating particulate matter. Activated carbon bag removes dissolved organics and odors. Ceramic Rings and Bio-Balls provide the ideal environment for beneficial bacteria. (all included in purchase)