Fish ID


Active Member
Indeed, commonnamed Rooster Hogfish. This is "THEE" hogfish, because of which all other hogfish are named as such. You are going to have quite the fish on your hands


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Indeed, commonnamed Rooster Hogfish. This is "THEE
" hogfish, because of which all other hogfish are named as such. You are going to have quite the fish on your hands
please elaborate! I would like all the info I can get. The fish came in with a load of shrimp at the local bait shop.


Active Member
You may wish to look up the species I mentioned above on Fishbase. It will give you size estimates (basically, IMO, not for any home aquarium).


Originally Posted by ophiura
You may wish to look up the species I mentioned above on Fishbase. It will give you size estimates (basically, IMO, not for any home aquarium).
Thank you Susan your link was most helpful. I have him in my 350 fowlr and he seems to be happy. do you think he will be fine in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by outsdr2
please elaborate! I would like all the info I can get. The fish came in with a load of shrimp at the local bait shop.
Take a look at the adults. They're similar face to a swine hog, gives them their name (hogfish). Rooster Hogfish are the only members of the hogfish family that aren't in the Bodianus
genus (Cuban, Spanish, Two-Spot, etc). This is the hogfish all of us go spe@r fishing for in the Atlantic, and more popular in the food trade, then the aquarium trade.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Take a look at the adults. They're similar face to a swine hog, gives them their name (hogfish). Rooster Hogfish are the only members of the hogfish family that aren't in the Bodianus
genus (Cuban, Spanish, Two-Spot, etc). This is the hogfish all of us go spe@r fishing for in the Atlantic, and more popular in the food trade, then the aquarium trade.
Thanks for the info. He was rooting around in the sand today. I have a DSB he is enjoying. He is safe. no dinner table for him. I am surprised at how welcome my tangs and trigger have welcomed him. actually he seems invisble to them. I figure my powder or yellow would give him the normal welcome to the neighborhood pounding. but no. all is good.


Originally Posted by ophiura
You may wish to look up the species I mentioned above on Fishbase. It will give you size estimates (basically, IMO, not for any home aquarium).
Hi the information on actual size is skewed. some info says 12 inches and another say 3 feet. I think the three dorsal streamers are going to be awesome.