Fish in 3/4 gal nano?


I was thinking an Achiles tang, and a Sohal.
but really, could i put anything in this small of a nano? i was thinking a 1 small yellow clown goby, or perhaps a small cardinal. Let me know.


It's too small of a tank for any fish imo.
It's like you having to live in a coat closet...
You could probably do it, but how would you like it eh? :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by eskimo44
i would be a little castle for a goby. Red fire goby?
And every castle has a dungeon .... Sorry. :D


Seriously, though, he's got to be joking! For god's sake a sohal tang would barely fit in a 3/4 gallon tank anyway! Ha, ha ... you got us!


New Member

There is another website that has a special section for Nano fish. It's fish that don't get big at all.
You could look at that & see if there is a fish you would like. Shrimp are interesting and crabs also....
If you want the website email me, I do not think it would be very nice to put it on this site,although they may have the same fish. You could check after looking at the other site to see what they are...
Just a thought....... :thinking:


Originally Posted by eskimo44
I was thinking an Achiles tang, and a Sohal.
but really, could i put anything in this small of a nano? i was thinking a 1 small yellow clown goby, or perhaps a small cardinal. Let me know.
Your kidding right ? An achilles tang AND a Sohal in a 3/4 Gallon tank .. ?


just cuz i'm confused .. not that it would make a diff. but are you saying
3 or 4 gal tank
3/4(.75) gal tank


Active Member
even though that site has a section for nanofish, i believe none of them have a minimume tank size of under 10 gallons...
if its a 3/4th gallon, def not...
if its a 3-4, it is possible for some of the gobies that get only an inche, but i dont think it is ethical.


Originally Posted by exile415
Your kidding right ? An achilles tang AND a Sohal in a 3/4 Gallon tank .. ?

Comon Ya'll, He/she is obviously Wasting your time and/or in serious need of Medication/Therapy. Not that I'd want to support the Evil drug companies but all the same.
Some Ghost Shrimp would be nice....assuming Fresh water! :help:
I'm all about Bending the Rules and Rising above the common belief/s. ALas, this is bloody Rediculous. Unless you enjoy looking - Pods with a Microscope, THEIR ISN'T ANY FISH that one coul ethically put in a 3/4 gallon *nano tank*. It's for a lil piece of LR - best.
As John Staussel(sp maybe) would say *Gimmie a break*!!!


Active Member
mollies get 5 inches long to big. IMO no fish would be good for that size tank even freshwater!!! Bettas should be kept in 2 gallons at least "IMO anyway".
In saltwater there just isnt ANY fish that could squeeze into such a small space.


mollies are used to small surroundings in nature - and are you serious about 5 inches???!?? :hilarious