Well I thought I would send an update on my ick situation.
Well I started with a purple tang cinnamon clown sixline wrasse lawnmower blennie and manderin in my reef tank. I still have my cleaner shrimp and starfish along with snails in the reef tank for a month without fish.
Then I set up a hospital tank. Moved over my fish. I took 2 days to bring the tank to 1.009.
The only one left in the hospital tank is the manderin would you believe it. I lost my lawnmower blennie tonight. I feel real bad.
I have been feeding the manderin small amounts of blood worms.
I picked up a brine shrimp hatchery and put it is the tank.
They should start hatching tomorrow.
I also ordered Cyclop-eeze (frozen and freeze dried pods)
Not a store around carried them I had to go on line and purchase them.
Well lets hope he makes it. He still shows some sign of ick. He keeps looking for food in the base rock.
Has anyone ever had to put a manderin in hypo?
Feedback Appreciated.:eek:
I tested everything is o'k.
I believe what did the lawnmower blenny in since he was the last one to die so far was the ph factor. I always tried to add a little buffer each time I did a small water change.
The problem was that the ph dropped to 7.8 and I thought the buffer was keeping it at 8.2.
That is what I believe happen. I stablized the ph now but it might of been too late.
I should of kept checking the ph after EVERY water change during the hypo.
The Manderin is still alive this morning.
The brine shrimp should start hatching today and I received the cyclop-eeze today.
I will keep an eye on him for a secondary infection.
What do I use if he gets one?
Remember I have the brine shrimp hatchery in the tank.
Information would be appreciated.:confused:
I noticed the manderin the 2 day in hypo has a slight white filmy string like coming off of his skin. Is this the secondary infection assoicated with ick?
I have a brine shrimp corral inside his tank that is starting to hatch for him to eat.
What should I treat the manderin with and still be able to keep the corral in the tank for him to eat the live brine? I would prefer something not so strong a medication so it doesn't kill him and the brine shrimp hatching.
Do I also remove the carbon in the filter. I believe I do!
Any suggestions?

bang guy

Sorry to second guess you but it's unusual for a Mandarin to get Ick. What were the symptoms that you noticed?


Staff member
It could well be a secondary infection in which case you will need to treat with antibiotics. You will probably have to hatch the brine elsewhere and just spot feed the manderin.
You can leave carbon filtration with hypo, but not during antibiotic threatment. You can use carbon filtration, which I recommend, for a couple of hrs just before redosing with antibiotics.
The manderin was with the purple tang who had ick.
I noticed white raised little bumps on him first.
Then I notice now filmy pieces coming off his skin where some of the white spots were. Also his fin has some white film.
It is not a major outbreak but something to take care of before it gets worst. He still is acting o'k and searching for food.
This is his 2nd day of hypo.
I am concerned about the shrimp corral inside the tank if I medicate him.
Any Information?


Staff member
What do you mean by raised bumps? Ich looks like salt sprinkled on the fish.
I think you need to follow my suggestion and tread with Maracyn Two for saltwaterfish.
Can you get a pic up?
The brine shrimp corral has to stay in the tank. It only hatches inside the tank. It is just starting to hatch now.
What do I do?


Staff member
What do you mean it will only hatch in the tank? It should be fine in any deadicated container that is aaerated. A bucket with an a good airstone would do.


the best way to cure ick, and with this method I never lost a fish in about a year. the method I learned from a marine biologist very simple and fast, you take gallon of fresh water and match the temp from the saltwater tank ok. then put the fish in the freshwater leave it there for about 3mins now this is going to make the fish float to the top ok Do Not freak out then after 3 to 4 mintues take your finger and gentle to the fish go with the scales not aganist and rub the ick off but if you have the fish in longer than 10 mins the fresh water then it starts to cause damage to the fish. you might have to do this 2 times I promise you not 3 times. Now keep in mind this does not cure the tank just fish. its step 1 on cure for ick hope this info works for you take care! BIOREEFER P.S I don"t believe in meds:D
I appreciate the feedbacks.
I tried to get a picture of him but you wouldn't come close enough to the front of the tank long enough to snap a picture.
He is still doing fine. I am pretty sure he has ick. It looks like sprinkles of salt on his skin. He doesn't have a bad case of it but he still has some. The secondary infection doesn't look bad enough to use medication at this time. I will keep an eye on him. It is day 3 in the hospital tank.
He seems to be eating the frozen bloodworms o'k. I hate to feed him blood worms every day while he is in hypo. He doesn't seem to like frozen brine or any of the other frozen food including Cyclop-eeze I tried once for him.
It doesn't look like the baby shrimp have come out of the shrimp corral or if they will.
Do you think it would cause any harm to feed him blood worms once a day for three weeks if that is all he will eat? Unless the baby shrimp come out of the shrimp corral which I am still wondering if they will.
Feedback would be appreciated.


I have never lost a fish doing that method and I plan on doing it again and again. but I would never use meds I lost too many fish that way. I just saying it worked for me.:eek: P.S
I thought I would update you on my Manderin he still is hanging in. He has very little ick on him.
It will be one week on Saturday in hypo.
I don't think the shrimp will come out of the corral.
It wasn't worth the headache, I only see a few swimming around.
There isn't enough in there to feed a baby fry, let alone a Manderin.
I hope the manderin doesn't get sick of blood worms.
That is all he seems to like at this time.
Well better he is alive eating something, than nothing at all.
I am using a refractometer to measure the salinity.
It is the only way that is truly percise.
Swing ones just don't do it.
I am feeding frozen blood worm with garlic guard.
I have Sally's Multi-Pack which has omega-3 brine shrimp.
I will try it today.
He justs seems to only eat frozen blood worm. It is because the blood worms move around in the water that seems like they are alive to him.
I am concerned about the effect of 3 weeks on that diet only.
Well my manderin has more ick spots back today do to yesterday the airconditioning broke down.
The whole unit had to be replaced.
Thus I had 92 degree heat inside the house for the whole day.
I had power but it wasn't cool. I had too float bags of ice cubes on top on the water until the airconditioner got fixed.
Since the temperature rose to 88 in the hospital tank, my manderin has his spots back. Everything is working fine today did a water change and hope for the best.
He still is doing o'k eating blood worms. He didn't like the brine shrimp I tried.
My question is do I have to start over with the 3 weeks in hypo due to the temperature changing and the ick returning to the manderin?
I thought since the salinity was at 1.009 they wouldn't come back on the fish after a week. Can the temperature raising in the aquarium, effect the time length of the treatment ?
Information Appreciated.

bang guy

A higher temp should eradicate the slightly Ick faster, probably not a noticeable difference though.
Are you sure it's Ick? It's pretty unusual for Ick to reappear during a Hypo treatment.
I only mention this because Mandarins throw lots of sand over themselves when they feed off the sand bed. You'll see it shooting out of their gills. Some of the sand grains get stuck in the mucus of the skin and it can look a lot like Ick. An easy way to tell is to keep track of a few of the spots. Ick won't move, but the sand grains will.
I've personally never seen a Mandarin with Ick. I hear it does happen but it must not be very common.
Well I thought I would update you on my situation with the manderin in hypo. He still is living I can't believe it.
He has been in hypo for 3 1/2 weeks at 1.009. He only eats blood worms with garlicguard.
He still has a few grains of salt like spots on him. I am treating him with maroxy because he looked like he had some slight film on his body in some places.
I was wondering how long the reef tank has to stay fishless.
I am not going to put the manderin in there yet.
I am kind of tired after 3 1/2 weeks of just looking at the inverts and coral.
I would appreciate any feedback on the time length on the reef tank without fish. Should I do a partial water change and change the carbon in my outside filter before I add anymore fish?
I am using a bak pak protein skimmer with all of my live rock and sand. Everything looks o'k.


Staff member
Wow, hypo that didn't work. Maybe its not ich? What reading is salinity, specific gravity? Have you, at any time, not checked the SG in that tank? Like leaving it for a day or 2 without checking, thus evaporation changeds the salinity?