It is really hard to see where his tail is damaged, but the lights are off, ill get a magnifying glass and the DSLR and get some high res up tomorrow.
In the display is
Coral Beauty
Pair of false percs
ruby head fairy wrasse
tomini tang
2 cleaners
20 or so blue legs
About 3 months ago, I found a really stange molt of a crab that everyone said was bad news, a little while later I found the crab and he was put in my fuge. About 6 days ago, about the same time the RG went MIA, I found another one, this crab was huge roughly half dollar size, and he was poking his head out of the RG's cave and the RG was no where to be seen. Im guessing this crab had something to do with the RG's current condition.
I know these crabs are BAD NEWS, the last little one I found(roughly half the size of this one) had my sixline for lunch one night. I have been "crab fishing" in the tank every night, I can always see him he just always gets away. The RG wont go back to the display until the crab has been moved.
There is NO lid over the QT, I will get one tomorrow night on my way home from work.
The problem is that I cant get him to eat, I mean nothing. Formula 1 or 2 frozen or pelet, misis, spiralina, nothing. I have tired soaking it in garlic, it does seem to interest him more then, I guess Ill just keep trying.
Does anyone know what the deal is with the purple silicone? Could the color of the RG actually be coming off on it?
Sorry for the long post!