Fish needs out of display but QT isnt ready yet?!


My RG went missing for 4 days, I found him this morning on the sand wedged up against a rock. He looks skinny, refuses to swim but he kinda hops around on the sand. He shows basicially no interest in food and the other fish are starting to pester him. He looks bad, like Ive never seen a fish look so hopless and still be alive. I have a 20L but it isnt finished cycleing yet.
QT stats
amm 0
trites 1.0 ppm
trates 5ppm
What the heck do I do?!?
Edit: he just found my pistol/watchman cave, and got popped a good one, he didnt take it well.....


Your time is running very short. Unfortunetly it may be too late. Put some LR in your QT - it will speed up the cycle quickly.


As soon as I get home from class ill take some out of my fuge and toss it in. Do they make an amquel type product that works for trites?
Or do I have any other options?


IMO Amquel is a must have in case of an emergency. You could use it in this case but it seems that your fish in weak and I don 't know how it would respond. That being said, you said that other fish are picking on it in the display so it comes down to which choice will give the fish a better chance of making it. Yours to decide. How far along is the cycle?


Trites are dropping, Currently @ 1.0ppm. There is no ammonia. I want him out of the display, but not if its going to kill him..... Ill get some amquel, but doesnt that only work for ammonia.


I just read that amquel reduces heavy metals, chlorine, and amonia.
But I also read that amquel plus also removes nitrites and nitrates, is that true? If it is, I think ill pick some up on my way home.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sman
I just read that amquel reduces heavy metals, chlorine, and amonia.
But I also read that amquel plus also removes nitrites and nitrates, is that true? If it is, I think ill pick some up on my way home.
Amquel+ doesn't actually remove the nitrogen waste products, it converts them to similar compounds that are non-toxic. More importantly, the bacteria will still utilize these compounds, so the tank will continue to develop its cycle. I have used this stuff in emergencies in the past, and it has always worked for me.


I have used Amquel Plus as well. I never had a problem with it. Do you see anything physically wrong with the fish other than being thin?


No, he is just really thin and lethargic looking, not breathing heavy, no spots, no nipped fins, no nothing.
I will go get some amquel plus right now and dose the QT. How long before the trites are neutralized?


Well he is in QT now, I does accordingly with amquel + about 5 hours ago, and made sure there was plenty of surface airation. The second he hit the tank he swam over and hid behind the heater. There just doesnt really seem to be anything wrong with him other than maybe a small black streek that looks like its inside of him.
Ill get some pictures in the morning, hes been through enough tonight.
Just after typing this I figured it out. He keeps wedging him self between stuff because if he doesnt he floats. Hes trying his damnedest to keep himself on the bottom. I have maracin and maracin 2, along with melafix and pimafix on hand.
Some one please inform me which direction to take this.


Originally Posted by sman
Well he is in QT now, I does accordingly with amquel + about 5 hours ago, and made sure there was plenty of surface airation. The second he hit the tank he swam over and hid behind the heater. There just doesnt really seem to be anything wrong with him other than maybe a small black streek that looks like its inside of him.
Ill get some pictures in the morning, hes been through enough tonight.
Just after typing this I figured it out. He keeps wedging him self between stuff because if he doesnt he floats. Hes trying his damnedest to keep himself on the bottom. I have maracin and maracin 2, along with melafix and pimafix on hand.
Some one please inform me which direction to take this.
Describe what happens when he isn't hiding. They are known to act odd. The floating that you are talking about could be normal RG antics. Do have things for him to hide in?


He doesn't not hide. He was ALWAYS swimming about the tank. Now he wont leave the piece of pvc hes wedged himself against. Im uploading video now, ill add it to the thread as soon as its up.
I also noticed the area of the silicone bead around the bottom of the tank where he as been rubbing up against it, is purple, like royal gramma purple? WTF is that about?


No, you should leave him alone. His tail is chewed up. That is how grammas act in times of stress. I cannot see anything wrong with him other than being thin and scared. What all is in your display? Do you have a tight cover on the QT? They will jump. Unless there is something that I am not seeing here, he just needs to calm down and get some quality food in him. He is scared to death, and has been chewed on.


It is really hard to see where his tail is damaged, but the lights are off, ill get a magnifying glass and the DSLR and get some high res up tomorrow.
In the display is
Coral Beauty
Pair of false percs
ruby head fairy wrasse
tomini tang
2 cleaners
20 or so blue legs
About 3 months ago, I found a really stange molt of a crab that everyone said was bad news, a little while later I found the crab and he was put in my fuge. About 6 days ago, about the same time the RG went MIA, I found another one, this crab was huge roughly half dollar size, and he was poking his head out of the RG's cave and the RG was no where to be seen. Im guessing this crab had something to do with the RG's current condition.
I know these crabs are BAD NEWS, the last little one I found(roughly half the size of this one) had my sixline for lunch one night. I have been "crab fishing" in the tank every night, I can always see him he just always gets away. The RG wont go back to the display until the crab has been moved.
There is NO lid over the QT, I will get one tomorrow night on my way home from work.
The problem is that I cant get him to eat, I mean nothing. Formula 1 or 2 frozen or pelet, misis, spiralina, nothing. I have tired soaking it in garlic, it does seem to interest him more then, I guess Ill just keep trying.
Does anyone know what the deal is with the purple silicone? Could the color of the RG actually be coming off on it?
Sorry for the long post!


Well, he ate, finially, it was only 2 pellets of garlic soaked formula 2, but I guess its better than nothing.