Fish only tank??


Just checking the ammonia and Nitrate/Nitrite are at zero? especially the ammonia.
Just want to make sure your little hermit or snails are happy and healthy. And diatoms, well normaly I find them at the end of a cycle so this is probably good. that being said, they are annoying but luckily they go away in about 2 weeks (or at least that is what I have witnessed, cant say that there is a true time table) I find then you either get that annoying green algae on the glass or the hair algae.
Looks like your doing great though!!


I do see some light green coloring around the top of the glass, almost looks lime green. Snails would have to take care of it for sure, the crabs couldn't possibly get up there, and the lime green is starting to color the pieces of coral (dead) that I put in there as something tangible for the bacteria to grow on.
I'm about two weeks away (I think) from going local to get some live, already cured rock, when I do, I've decided to put 50 lbs in to start, with rubble in the hob filters. I will make sure they sell me established rock. Thank goodness I know what it looks like/smells like :)
I'll run the tests in the am. I haven't done it everyday, cause if I do, I feel like I'm trying to rush things, or it makes me want to "hurry" up and put swimming things in there, and I promised myself I'd wait to do that... It's not easy to look at a tank full of water and mess around with it everyday, and NOT put stuff in it... I'm behaving though, so far lol
So, check the levels, and if their down, put the snails and hermits in. "gonna have somthin' moving in there soon :) " might not be fishes, but hey, at least it's something for now. lol
Ty :) dmanatee


By the way, it's after 11pm in ri, and I'm posting here and it's saying it's just after 8pm??? What's up with that?


Active Member


As expected, there is still brown diatoms on the sand bed, and the few live rocks that are in there, but the hermits are working the sand and mixing it up a bit. I'm sure their doing what needs doing.
Think I'll buy a book on my ipad to pass the time, all this waiting is wearing me out... It's a lot of work to "hurry up and wait" LOL
Will test the water levels again tomorrow...
Thank you everyone for your help and encouragement :) now hold me back, so I don't click the submit order button on those fishes... Ugh


Don't worry GrammyGigi I know how you feel, I am going to be moving my 55 into the 125 after I finish building the stand, and I keep playing on here trying to decide what I want to get. But your almost there!!!!!



Quote:Originally Posted by dmanatee http:///forum/thread/381681/fish-only-tank/40#post_3329318
Don't worry GrammyGigi I know how you feel, I am going to be moving my 55 into the 125 after I finish building the stand, and I keep playing on here trying to decide what I want to get. But your almost there!!!!!

Thank you dmanatee, and wow! I wish I was ready and able to put up a 125. My daughter is living with us, with my 2 year old grand baby, I love that punkin head lol, our house is pretty small so I have to keep the tank size down a bit.
Someday I want an in wall tank living room/kitchen. When it's just my husband and I here, maybe then. What an awesome tank that will be!! I mean, if I'm gonna dream, might as well make it good! Dontcha think ;)
Good luck with your move, I hated doing that... Make sure you take lots of pics of your new sw set up, I love watching the diary threads :)
Take care


With the diatoms on the sand bed, should I be getting ready to do a water change? If not, then the proper time to do the first water change is ???
Thank you in advance... Again ;) (the older you get, the more the memory fades lol)


What are your water parameters?
I, personally, do water changes even while the tank is cycling. If you now have inhabitants in the tank, it may be time to do your first water change.


I tested the water this morning,
S/g 1.022/30
Nitrites .0
Nitrates .0
Ph 7.8 (a little lower than I like)
Amonia .25
So I think if I change 5 gal (about 10%) I should be good.
Not sure I'll get to do it tonight, though I'll mix up the water, run the heater and the pump in the bucket, and change it tomorrow. I haven't stopped moving today, scrubbing the bathroom, dishes, laundry, and dinners in the oven... Stuffed cabbage! YUM!! I'm pretty wiped out after all of that... Soooooooooo, the water change will happen in the morning. All I want to do right now is collapse in a chair and not move. That isn't going to happen, because after I feed everyone, I get to clean it all up AGAIN!
O/T: (one would think with grown children, in their 20's, Living here, for FREE mind you, I would have help... But NO, if I want help from them, believe it or not, I have to PAY them!! Just burns my butt!!) just sayin'... Didn't mean to vent...