Fish :)


OK...I really want to add something to my 225G....the anthias did not work
I tried 2x 5 each.....and something was picking them off at night...

Surely I can add something to this tank.....I want something bright....and tough....LOL
any suggestions
....I have looked and looked and I just don't know....
This is what is in there now
1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 2 green chromis, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 pseudochromis
2 Clowns (percula), 1 bicolor blennie, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 coral beauty, 1 dwarf flame angel
1 sandsifting goby, 1 green mandarin, 2 pajama cardinals, Nassarius Snails and more snails, Fighting conch
Little bear conch, 2 brittle stars, 1 serpent star, Some blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, emerald crabs, peppermint shrimp


Add some hawk fish, flame hawk, falco hawk, arc eye hawk, pixy, geometric. They have great personalities, in that size tank you could add several, they will always be out front looking at you and other things, they are hardy and should be fine with your livestock.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
Add some hawk fish, flame hawk, falco hawk, arc eye hawk, pixy, geometric. They have great personalities, in that size tank you could add several, they will always be out front looking at you and other things, they are hardy and should be fine with your livestock.
They kill shrimp.....I have a flame hawk in the 54G, I also USE to have peppermints in there too...LOL


Well-Known Member

To be honest I think your biggest problem is color, The hippo attacks anything blue and the Yellow tang goes after anything yellow. Rearranging the rocks may help , maybe a mirror to distract them.
Wantanabe's, Lamarck's or Blackspot Angelfish my book says all of these are reef safe. I never had any of these because I never had a big enough tank.
Copperbanded butterflyfish some are good and are not, I personally never had a bad one, I have had three over the years.


Copperbands are not reef safe......the yellow tang is the peaceful one....the blue hippo and sailfin are the top dogs in this tank....if it's not glued down...and they do not like where it is....they move it

the angels are not reef safe either.....I have too much invested to take a chance with anything that says to monitor

rearranging the rocks in this tank is not an option...LOL


Does anyone know if a Naso Tang could hold it's own with the other tangs in there?????
Or should I stay away from another tang

scott t

Active Member
Hey Meowzer what about a Whitecheek tang?? They are nice... This is what it says about then: A 70 gallon or larger aquarium is adequate to provide plenty of swimming room. It is aggressive towards other Tangs, but peaceful with other fish in the tank.
Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 8"
Color Form: Black, Purple, Yellow
Diet: Herbivore


imo you have to monitor tangs, because the tangs i have had seemed like they picked at my corals. i had some daisy pollyps(not really corals) prob 5x5 inches totally eaten by my yellow tang and powder brown. but all fish are different


Originally Posted by Scott T
Hey Meowzer what about a Whitecheek tang?? They are nice...
Looks very nice....but It says aggressive to other tangs
I don;t want something that will beat up the other tangs...LOL...just get along
damn this is hard

scott t

Active Member
Well yes it does say that but it will be the last fish in your tank that is a tang. So it will not establish the tank as its own?? It might just work. Just a suggestion. I like the whitecheek if I was setting up a bigger tank that is the one I would get... All tangs or most of them are aggressive towards other tangs and you already have 2 of them in there right... lol... Just trying to help out...


actually I have 3....a yellow tang, sailfin, and a blue hippo.....the blue and sailfin are the meanies

scott t

Active Member
Well see then the Whitecheek would be able to hold its own with them.. Maybe you should put it on your list as a possibility of the new fish to add to your tank....


Originally Posted by Scott T
Well see then the Whitecheek would be able to hold its own with them.. Maybe you should put it on your list as a possibility of the new fish to add to your tank....

I am looking into all suggestions....:) thanks.....


Originally Posted by meowzer
I am looking into all suggestions....:) thanks.....
How about the blue throat trigger, according to it's considered as one of the only reef safe triggers. Only like 59 dollars.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Copperbands are not reef safe......the yellow tang is the peaceful one....the blue hippo and sailfin are the top dogs in this tank....if it's not glued down...and they do not like where it is....they move it

the angels are not reef safe either.....I have too much invested to take a chance with anything that says to monitor

rearranging the rocks in this tank is not an option...LOL

My book says reef safe not monitor, on all three angels I mentioned.
All three say excellent for a reef and pose no threat to corals or inverts. I understand about the copperband but I never had any issues with the ones I had.