Fish :)


shrimpy brains

Very nice fish! I could work. Since you can't rearrange your live rock, you might consider an egg crate seperator when first introducing it.
I think it was Aquaknight who said he does this. It allows the fish to get used to each other without being able to fight.
Just a thought. You may not have any trouble, and I think that would max you out on fish, so you would be done!


Meowzer, I hate to tell you, but everything is with caution, I had a clownfish eat ALL my LPS in my 14G, remember that?
In your size tank and how you feed, most "monitor" fish, such as the foxfaces, would be fine, I'm 99% sure of it. If you back off on feeding, that's when you might see some issues, but even then, it's doubtful.
I'd do a foxface and a Naso. My Blonde Naso is half the size of my Sailfin and she holds her own. The sailfin is definitely top dog, but the naso does just fine. A Purple Tang would be fine as well. I don't think the Vlamingi would hold it's own, they're very peaceful and can often be submissive, especially to a bossy Sailfin and Blue Hippo.
IMO, I would try some smaller fish, some pseudochromis, basslets, etc. I know it says that some fight with each other, but we're not talking about putting these guys in a 30G tank, your tank is huge, you should be fine. Small, colorful fish can really make an aquarium pop.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Nice choice!!!!!! What about an Achilles?
HOLY have some expensive taste in fish....LOL
BTLD....I have a pseudochromis, and I tried the anthias....10 of them ( 5 twice) something picked them off at night.....I would love to have a school of colorful small fish
any other suggestions.....I'll research them tomorrow if you give me some more ideas


Active Member
If the 220 is going to be the largest tank, I would definitely advise against the Vlamingii. Tangs in the Naso genus are the largest tangs there are, and among the fastest growing. The pic on SWF's Vlamingii page, is of member turbo21's, in his 390gal aquarium, which one should eventually outgrow . To be 100% honest, with those 3 tangs, I would say to call it on tangs. If you wanted a 4th, an Orange Shoulder, Chocolate (aka Yellow Mimic), or Doctorfish would be my choice, with the Orange Shoulder being the best option IMO. If you want to do a Foxface/Rabbitfish, they are no less coral-safe then either the dwarf angels, or the blue hippo you already have in there.
I did notice one family of fish absent from your tank, actually the 2nd largest family (behind gobiidae)... Wrasses. For absolutely bright colors, you can't beat 'em. Hawaiian Flame wrasses are a little pricey, but if you like them, there are a number of Fairy and Flasher wrasses that are extremely colorful. There are also Leopard wrasses, though they aren't terrible hardy until after they've settled in. And there Halichoreres
wrasses. Yellow (aka Yellow Coris, aka Banana), the Christmas wrasse, the Dusky, the Radiant (my pick).
And finally, as Flower mentioned, Genicanthus
angels. They are in fact completely reef safe. They differ from other large angels, in that they are planktivores. Meaning they eat small meaty bits of the water column, instead standard large angels, that cruise around eating sponges/corals/etc. Here is Spiderwoman's Bellus Angel pair in her reef, and she has a similar stocking list;
I'm not sure where you found a Watanbei for $180, but they should be about $80. There are also the Lamarck, which is the cheapest, the Bellus like Spidey's, which the female is the most colorful IMO, and the Zebra, aka Swallowtail. All of these Genio angels have male and females, so you could do a pair if you wanted.
So that would be my recommendation. A Bellus or Watanbei Angel pair, and a Radiant Wrasse.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree with Aquaknight - the flasher and fairy wrasses are absolutely spectacular. You can even keep 3 or 4 in the tank, provided you get 1 male and the rest female (may be hard to get, we tend to like the males for their "flashing" behaviour).
Another fish I notice hasn't been suggested would be a small school of Blue Reef Chromis. These guys don't really look anything like blue-green chromis, and they have a striking deep blue color that looks fantastic.


If something is picking off your psuedochromis and anthias at night, I'd advise against adding any smaller fish, or really any fish for that matter until I figured out what's getting them. IMO, you might as well just throw your money in the trash can until you find out what's in your tank, or if it's just aggression.


My pseudochromis is just fine....I just mentioned that I had one, and they fight with the grammas.....
It's the anthias that got knocked off

I've looked at the wrasses, and may continue to do so.....IDK anymore....HEY those bellus angels are beauties.....
I was just thinking of a FINAL I don;t know :(


Anthias can be tough, if it's just the anthias that you're loosing, something is probably not picking them off. More likely is just the care of them/all that goes along with Anthias. I had a lot of issues until my current group of 3 Maldives Lyretails.
I'd just add more psuedos and some small wrasse to get some color and movement. Your tank is big enough that the psuedos should stop their fighting after a few days. It's just like putting dwarf angelfish together, they need to establish a pecking order and then the aggression usually subsides.
What is your stocklist of fish like in this tank now?


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
What is your stocklist of fish like in this tank now?
This is what is in there now
1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 2 green chromis, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 pseudochromis
2 Clowns (percula), 1 bicolor blennie, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 coral beauty, 1 dwarf flame angel
1 green mandarin, 2 pajama cardinals, 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 golden head sleeper goby, Nassarius Snails and more snails, Fighting conch
Little bear conch, 2 brittle stars, 1 serpent star, Some blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, emerald crabs, peppermint shrimp
what do you think of the filamented flasher about 1 male and 3 female????
I'm nervous about the copperband or the foxface


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I think you could get away with a few small colorful wrasses....
I got a blue cleaner wrasse, and a golden headed sleeper goby last week.....they are sooooo cool....LOL....I want something red though ...I am leaning towards the filament



Originally Posted by meowzer
I hope not.....this fish is amazing....
I actually think all wrasses are jumpers though....
True ... from the "drs" site:
The Filamented Flasher Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 30 gallons or larger. They will not bother any corals or invertebrates making them a perfect fish for the reef aquarium. A single male can be kept with a group of females that is introduced prior to or at the same time as the male. These wrasses like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is recommended.