fish that are commenly bred in captivity


on the anemone does that require MH lighting in a 10 gallon tank and will MH lighting effect the clownfish to spawn ? or mate ? i read when encourging clowns to mate you want to have flourecent lighting or even dimmer lights, the most cf' how is this person im buying the clowns from with the anemone..keeping the anemone alive with such poor lighting ?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Espkh9
on the anemone does that require MH lighting in a 10 gallon tank and will MH lighting effect the clownfish to spawn ? or mate ? i read when encourging clowns to mate you want to have flourecent lighting or even dimmer lights, the most cf' how is this person im buying the clowns from with the anemone..keeping the anemone alive with such poor lighting ?
I suggested you buy the book and do research before buying anything. You're doing it kinda backwards.
IMO a 10 gallon is too small for Ocellaris.
I wouldn't have an Anemone in a breeding tank.
The Zooplankton you have is fine for corals, I can't think of any useful application for breeding.
The Phyto you have can keep the Rotifers going for a few days but they really need a steady source of live phyto or Instant Algae to keep the culture going.