Fish With Clouded Eye

Hi everyone, well 2 weeks ago we added a Regal Angel and a Raccoon Butterfly to our 265 FO tank. Just recently we noticed the angel has one clouded eye. I have been doing some research on how to cure it, and i have read the best bet would be to use Melafix. would we be able to use this in our main tank? Has anyone had any success using this product before?
Ok, so apparently there is no one on this site, or no one has ever used Melafix. Call me impatient, but my fish isn't getting better, and i have read both good and bad things about using it. I try to turn to for answers, but apparently this place isn't a place for answers anymore...? hmmm maybe pics would get people


I would NOT use anything like that in a display......Can you set up a hospital tank?
Is the eye just cloudy? or is it swollen? YES, A picture would help a lot......
the eye is not swollen, just cloudy. from what i have read this was most likely caused by another fish attacking it. (Fish tend to attack at the eyes) as for setting up a quarantine tank, the only other tank i have would be a 5 gallon tank. i don't know if that would be quite big enough for the angel. and catching him would be an amazing task, that would probably end up stressing him out even more.. the tank doesn't have a coral polyp, or even a single invert..would that make it ok to use the med in the display?


IMO NO.....I still would not use it in a dt
If you are thinking it is caused by aggression....just make sure there is NO more aggression, make sure your water parameters are kept excellent.....and feed the fish well with vitamins like selcon, zoe, vitachem
along with healthy foods like mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree, as wel l as algae sheets, and angel foods


Staff member
hello, you can post questions in ask or you can email support directly at would not treat with anything until we get a diagnosis. There are also parasites that like to get on the eye of fish. I would recommend getting a good photo so we can see what is going on and help make a better diagnosis. I also suggest a quarantine tank- you will likely need to treat the fish seperately form the main display.


Well you said that this fish was new addition. It can be due to stress as well had this happen to my queen angel but I just fed it constantly and kept my water right and within couple of weeks it went away.
so as of today the fish's eye is swollen. he is still swimming normally, but he is trying to scrape his eye on rocks...these are the newest symptoms.


uh oh.... doesn't sound good. Feed well, keep it clean and watch out for ick as well.


swollen begins to sound more like pop-eye.....You will need to put the fish in a hospital tank and then treat it with medication like Maracyn 2 for SW fish
well as for ick, he might have a few little blotchy patches, but i am just gonna assume this is because he is new to the tank. i think i have diagnosed it. it is something called cloud eye. it is a lot like pop eye, but the fish keeps the eye. It is caused by a simple scrape or scratch and is like a scab. it will eventually sluff off. i don't think i am to worried anymore i will keep an eye on it though, i have done quite a bit of reading, and this kind of thing happens a lot with Angel fish and Butterfly fish.


simple mal - nutrient or stress is common issue for cloudy eyes.
Like I said in my first post, keep your parameters in check and over feed a bit to make sure fish gets well fed and you should be fine. Just keep an eye out for ick just in case.
Good luck buddy that's a beautiful angel and that raccoon will eat up all the aptasias!
well that sounds promising. lol since the copper wipped out our entire reef months ago, we dont have anything (aptasias) in our tank so at this point even those would seem interesting. our tank is somewhat lifeless.


lol, I know what you mean. I had a copperband once that was hell bent on destroying everything lol, had to give him to my friend to salvage what I can at the time..
this was years ago before I thought LFS people were "experts".
They said that they will probably like close to 80~90% sure that it won't eat it. BS