

Hey Fishmamma,

I saw you posted earlier and wondered if you were still out there. How are you? How are things. I've been MIA for quite some time. Been so busy. Went back to work and the wee one is in a part time preschool. My tank is doing great! All critters are serviving just fine. I love it.
Ant. :joy:


Active Member
HI Ant!!
So nice to see you on the boards! How are YOU doing with the wee one in preschool? Is it a welcome break or are you having some seperation anxiety?

Glad to hear your tank is doing well, I continue to be jealous of your next tank will be set up to house them specifically. Things are well but turbulent in my tanks as usual, the new cuprit of my chaos is a devilish sally lightfoot crab who enjoys eating my mushrooms.
Can't catch the bugger to move it to the non-reef tank to save my life.
Have you seen Ohiorn on the boards at all? I am very worried about her, I havn't seen her around since the hurricane went through.........
So fun to hear from you and that everyone is healthy and happy!!


Oh Yea! It's nice hearing from you. I haven't heard from Ohiorn but then I haven't been on in a very long time. I hope she is alright.
Sorry to hear about your little crab. How frustrating. Mushrooms are not cheap either. I know there have been postings on traps for situations like that. Have you tried a trap for him? At any rate, good luck.
I did buy a green hammer. He's doing well. Some days he's completely bushed out and some days hes in a little. I've had him for three weeks now and he seems to be doing alright. The pulsing xenia I bought months ago, and thought I lost, has really taken off. I have four full stalks now and one is getting ready to split again. Everyone else is doing fine. I am having a little problem with my firefish. I don't know if something is eating at her tale fin and spike fin or if it's getting rubbed off when she sleeps in the rocks. Her side fins are just fine and she swims around like normal. No sign of ick. The anthia is so pretty and very lively in the tank. I think she and the six line bonded. They play a lot. My horse is doing great! I actually rode him in a little fall parade in our area. He did very well, being only 4yrs old and full of it. My husband and son were on the sides waiting for us to go by. It was fun. Preschool is going very well. It was a little hard for both of us but it's much better now. It helps that he only goes on Tues and Thurs's. It's such a great school. They are constantly doing different things throughout the day. That helps a lot.
Have you talked to Monalisa lately? I guess it's a little harder for me to come on because I don't have any issues or concerns. Then when I surf the site I don't recognize anyone. This is still such a great site though. I tell everyone I can about it.
Time for work. Chat with you soon. Ant.


Active Member
HI- glad to hear that Buck behaved in the parade, what a good boy! Green hammer huh? Is that a leather type of coral? I recently purchased a green devil's hand that is looking as though when extended will be pink. I asked the LFS if it was green when opened and they told me yes so now I am wondering........
.....I did read that green leather varieties are very picky and much harder to keep happy than leathers typically are, so if your hammer is of this species that could explain things. Phew! That is great about your zenia making a come back. Interesting about your firefish. Have you seen any tank mates go after it all during feeding or if it crosses into their territory? I hope it is a temporary thing and that the fins heal up nicely. Do you still have your YWG or did you trade him in? If you still have him is he more visible these days?
I did get a new fish recently, actually a couple of things. I lost one of my pistols to a bad molt so he was sadly replaced and another goby came home as well. :help: Just a small mystery little guy, mostly brown but loves to be on display front and center so his finnage(sp.?) is gorgeous. Looks like a lizard.
I have not talked to MonaLisa, but I have seen her on a couple of threads here and there so I know she still comes on sometimes. Hopefully she will spot this thread and say hello. I am on a few times a week. I find that if I stay off too long I miss really cool facts and tidbits that are going around, and of coarse I enjoy drooling over all the shots in the photography forum, NM Reef keeps my eyes popping through out the week. :joy:
Have a great day, we should try to post some tank shots this week or next. I havn't taken any in some time have you?


Oooh I love catching up! I haven't seen anyone go after my firefish. That's why I'm a bit confused. Also, the side fins are just fine. It's just weird. I still have my goby and pistol, the originals and they both come out a lot. He rarely gets scared anymore and we can sit and watch him throughout the day. I don't think my hammer is a leather. I bought it because the LFS told me it would be easy to care for. So far it its. Is till have that hermit crab walking around with my green/brown polyps. They've multiplied to. There are 5 on there now when it started with one. I also have some yellow polyps coming out on an LR I bought months ago. That's kind of fun. I'm so relieved that the tank is doing well really. I have a coraline explosion going on too. I need to get on more often too. I really like the info. I would love to post some pictures. And I love seeing pictures. It's so hard going to the LFS now because I can't get any more fish. I think I have too many as it is but they are all doing great and living together well. With the little exception of the firefish but I still think he's doing well. I'd love to get some other corals but I'm afraid to spend the $$$ and them not make it.
Time for bed. Worked hard tonight and have to get up early with the wee one. Sure wish he'd sleep in every now and then.

Ant. :joy:


Active Member
Oh, what a pretty anthia. :jumping: That must be the hammer....looks great!
Does your hermit think it is a decorator crab? That is so cool that the polyps are multiplying. I hear ya about being at full capacity. WE are already dicussing out next tank but it is probably at least a year away due to$$$. The problem for is these tanks are so darn expensive and I love to add pretty things to them.
A new tank called the Aquacube is coming out soon and I have stars in my eyes.

I may have to try the bottle trap thing you mentioned above if the bad sally gets caught munching on any more corals. I am just afraid I will catch my whole tank that way......gobies, cleaner and pistol shrimp, hermits, and yes- the sally lightfoot.

I will try to take some pictures later, have a great day Ant!


Active Member
The goby is sitting just to the left of the orange zoas in the picture above....the re-sizing makes him hard to see.
Here are a couple of pics from the 29 gallon in my son's room.......



Active Member
This picture is not doing him justice, he loves to display and when he does you can see his fins are spotted red, wish I had a pic of him all ticked and showing off!


WOW!!! THanks for sharing those pictures. Your tank is beautiful!
You've really done a wonderful job on it. I love the colors and your choice of fish too. Where do you keep it? I hope on full display. My tank is right in the living room so everyone sees it when they walk through. I need to work on my some more. I'd like more color but that takes me back to the $$$ and chance of losing them.
Yes, that's my hammer. Funny, after I told you he was doing well I went to look at him and he was gone. Someone pushed him out of his hole and he was lying in back of the rock. Got him back in but he's coming out as full as before. Hope he's okay. I've already had him for a few weeks and he was doing fine.
Aqua Cube?! :notsure: I will have to look into that. I promised my husband that I wouldn't do any other SW changes until we move. We have a year and a half left then we're retiring and will hopefully unpack our boxes for good. Then I can really play!

We're home sick today. My son and I both got something. I called in to work and kept him home from school. So, I'm catching up on a bunch of house work and projects I've been wanting to get done.
Hope your day is nice. Ant.



I forgot to explain the pictures. The first is of the whole tank. The one with the red circles, i'm trying to show you the surprise yellow polyps that started coming out and the other circle is of the hermit with the polyps on his shell. The other; before and after of my xenias. I bought a small one just in case I couldn't keep them. Funny, now they're towering that little rock. This is such a rewarding hobby...expensive, but rewarding.



Active Member
Just gorgeous Ant!! You have such color and movement with your fish, I really just don't know know who to look at first in those pictures.
Your xenia is doing quite well, I like the placement. I am always on the look out for a small colony that is inexpensive, have not found it yet. So what exactly is your stocking list these days coral wise? Are you doing any suppliments/additives? Just curious what you do to maintain the system.
If you had not pointed out that polyp bunch was a hermit I would have never known that was your guy, LOL, too funny!!
The reef tank is in my upstairs hallway so no one ever sees it but us, but just as well these days since my house is often filled with a gang of toddlers who may topple the tank on themselves trying to climb the stand.
The aqua cube comes 12 and 24 gallons, complete w/ filtration and Satellite reef lighting built in. The front and side is one molded piece of glass, it is just a neat tank IMO. I want to go 46 or 72 with my next tank, but the cube is so cool I would get one if I had the dough.
I eyed a 6line wrasse today while buying some food and stuff. Bad Mama, bad! Good thing I am broke.

I posted a bit to Lisa on one of her threads to come over and say hello.
Hope you and your little man feel better!


Thanks for the comps on my tank. Funny, I think your tank is so beautiful and mine is just okay.
We need to come on every so often to feel like we're doing some good with them. People who come to visit admire the tank but don't understand how much work goes into it. I often wonder if I'm doing the right stuff for it and fear I'm not. That's why I won't buy high maintenance stuff. Which brings me to corals. I'm not sure what exactly falls under corals but other then crabs, snails, shrimp and fish, I have, one feather duster, the green star polyps (which just took off and spread like grass), pulsing xenias, brown polyps (accident), yellow polyps (accident), and finally the green hammer. I'm SO tempted to get an anenomy but am afraid to kill it. I also saw these AMAZING christmas trees at my little LFS and was very tempted but they were so expensive and again, I was afraid to drop the $$$ and then they die. That would Suck! So I mostly just drewel when I go in for salt or more clean up crew.

I'm very affraid to tell you this (mostly because I don't want a tongue lashing from others) but I rarely test my water anymore. The little LFS I go to said they only test the water if someone looks funny otherwise they do the regular water changes and cleaning. So, I adopted that (after 4-5months of daily testing) and everything started looking great. I will test the water when I do a change, maybe, but otherwise just change and clean. I just bought a new suppliment for the filter feeders but I can't remember the name. It's green and you only put 5cc's once a week.
That cube sounds really cool. I don't want to look it up because I will be tempted. Although, if I were to get something else I'd like to go bigger too.
So, how many toddlers do you have? My little guy was still feeling pretty bad this evening. He didn't eat dinner and complained about a stomach ache. I hope he sleeps through the night. I sure need a night of uninterupted sleep.
Ant. :happyfish
ps-I'd love to send you one of my xenias if I knew how.


Active Member
Well see, we both have tank envy. I guess the water is always more blue on the other side. Ok, forgive for that - it is early. :scared:
The AuaPod (not cube as I keep calling it) won't fit on our kitchen counter so it out for us thus solving the pipe dream of cute and small or cool and large. Ah, someday.
I only have one child myself but as a SAHM I have other at home Moms with their little ones over for play group and lunch quite often so that I do not go insane.
Oh, I am sorry to hear your little guy still is having tummy trouble, hope you both had a restful nights sleep. I hate when kids are sick with stomach bugs, not much you can do to make them feel better.
I don't test that often any more either. I test the specific gravity almost daily for my top offs but other than that I mainly test with water changes focusing on pH, alk and calcium levels (dose B-Ionic). I have also just started dosing iodide for my softies. I am afraid to move to higher maintanace corals as well. Not sure why though.....I shouldn't let them intimidate me (and neither should you right?). :thinking: I think after the holidays I am going to perfect/increase the flow in my tank and maybe go out on a limb with a more challenging coral. I am always on the look out for gorgeous zoos but they are hard to find at LFS and I hate to spend the money on-line.
I would LOVE a zenia frag one day. I guess I could I ship you a thermos heat pack and cooler with some money to cover the return shipping if you ever frag it. I have been reading some interesting articles on dry shipping corals- meaning wrapping them in moist towel or paper vs. a bag of water. Many corals actually do better that way, not sure about xenia though.
OK, I am off to the gym. Have a great day and I hope your little man makes a full recovery real soon!!


Active Member
zenia frag?? zenia frag??? j/k...
The sorority girls reunited...I LOVE it!!!
I pretty much skimmed through the posts on this thread, so if I miss something, I'm terribly sorry. The pics of both of your tanks are so incredibly awesome. I would post some of mine, but I'm embarassed to say
, I'm dealing with an algea bloom at the moment...really frustrating. I want so badly to add more corals and other cool things, but not until I know that they're going into a healthy system.
I'm on the board probably 2-3 x week. I used to be on a lot more, but new responsibilities at work have pretty much kept me off, even during breaks...hmmmm, I remember those.
Fishmamma, I got so envious when you posted that you were going to the gym. I have a home gym that I've not been able to use for 3 weeks due to back and hip problems. I'm in the process of (hopefully) fixing that, but I want to RUN!! Soon, I hope.
I just love getting on here and finding new "faces". Any help with my algea problem is certainly appreciated!!!
Lisa :happyfish


I wouldn't mind fraging at all if I just knew how. I can do a search. I would gladly send you and Lisa one. I'm wondering what to do with them now anyway because they are just multiplying like crazy. Isn't the before and after amazing? And, I thought it completely died off and was gone and then it just showed up one day, tiny. I'm so happy about that.
How was the gym? I didn't get to run today but had every intention to. I did mad woman cleaning today. Hands and knees type stuff. Funny, my son said, "who's coming to visit momma?"
I laughed and said no one. I'm cleaning for us. Bout darn time right! See... if I wasn't at home sick there would still be a layer of dust on everything. I was a SAHM until Sept. Johnny had fun at school so I thought I'd try a couple of days a week and a job fell in my lap. It's nice being a nurse because you can pretty much choose your hours. I love this facility I'm working in too. Two days a week is perfect but I do find myself struggling for time now. We still have play groups too. In fact, it was suppose to be at our house on Wed. but canceled because of the bug. I love son does too.
It's great to see you! I hope your bloom gets under control soon. I battled mine with more crabs and snails, but I also decreased the light time in my tank by about 2-3 hours. It all helped a lot. Oh, I also cut back on feedings. Once every other day. I hate that but I was desperate. I love feeding my tank. They always come over to me for feedings too.
I'm sorry about your back and hip problems. That's rough. I hope you get better soon.
I need input from you two. I want a light timer. We bought one but it sucked and so we sent it back. Can you suggest one?
I'm on call tonight so I'm going to get ready for bed. I'll check back before lights out.


Active Member
YAY!! The sw sisters are back! :cheer:
Just for the record, you two are better than I - running is not a word in my vocabulary. I do aerobics classes and Nautilus. NO RUNNING. :hilarious
Lisa- hope you get back into your routine real soon, it is no fun to be in pain. I have a zebra stribed turbo snail or something to that effect that eats anything resembling hair algae. I know that is not solving the problem from the cause end of things, but if you are desperate one of those suckers will have yourtank spit shined in no time.
Ant- Oh, you ar a nurse? I love nurses, always wonder how you guys do it taking care of us. I forever have a special place in my heart for my labor and delivery nurse Marybeth...... On to fish and stuff: I happened to read today in my journey on that xenia does not take kindly to shipping. Kind of bummed, thanks so much for the offer though Ant, it was very nice of you. Is your son better tonight?
I think I need to cut back on my feeding too. I worry about my angel and gobies though, those particular fish should ideally bed fed 2 to 3 times per day so if I only feed once I feel somewhat negligent. Am I just using that as an excuse?? :help:


Active Member
Hi again!!
I'm doing everything in the book to rid myself of the "green monster". I think that I'm slowly winning the battle, but VERY slowly...

My hubby and I are planning on taking a trip to Chicago to the Shedd Aquarium sometime, probably this spring (my Christmas gift), and I can't wait. I was there once many years ago, but I think I have a new appreciation for it. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post them.
No much more. HB wants to go diving today, but my diving season is pretty much done...that's always a little sad to admit

Glad to "see" you again. I'll check in again later.
Lisa :happyfish