

Active Member
I have some caulerpa in my tank, and it grew quickly at first, but recently kinda slowed down, but then again when I look close, it has grown a lot, I just have to slow down, and take notice. Well, the chiton IS alive! Still haven't seen my jawfish yet, but then again, sometimes he does hide for days at a time.


The states or overseas? The opinions on this site compared to other sites and ALL my LFS are very different. The freakin tang police is humourous at best. Everyone I talk to in the states both in NY and Fl and from reputable LFS who have guided me correctly before, have all kept tangs in much smaller tanks that stated on this site. The "requirements" for other fish on this board also seem very "extreme" when compared to others, ie - ph/salinity/caclcium/temp/filters/uv/live sand and rock/etc.
I have learned a ton from this site and dont doubt some of the experience of some members, but just wondered if maybe people from different locations have different standards in this hobby. So with all that said, where ya from?