

Active Member
I am gonna go to the movies and see Kong, so they have planty of :drip...drip..drip...drip: time
I set it to 1 drip every second, I am gonna TRY and take some pics l8or.


Hi all - absolutely great tanks all! I am so jealous. I keep looking for bight colored zoos and polyps. Love the orange centers/green edges. Where should I look for bright ones. Online 3 different sites, and I have dull green, brown, and olive. Really would like to know where to look?


Active Member
well, that shrimp died. :-(
probably from shipping stress :-(
their is a large (well it is small, but large for not supposed to be their)anemone on my cluster duster, so when I get a chance I am gonna juice it! >:)
The cuc was stiff and cold, but is fine now. Everything else is fine.
My jawfish has practically been alone for so many months, and now with all of these ghost shrimp around, he tries to eat them, but they are JUST too big for him. But when they breed, he will have some nice snacks. The pods are numerous. I haven't seen the porcelain crab since he went in, but that is ok. The medusa worm can REALLY move it. He is fast. So is the chiton, I put him in at 6 at the top of my rock pile, and by 8:00, he had dug himself down an inch into the sand. the micro stars ar SOOOOOO cool to watch. their is so much life in their now. I am sure this can tie me over for a few (could hold me over for a life time) months!


Active Member
Mind shooting me an e-mail with some details on where you got that stuff?
I am sorry to hear the shrimp didn't make it. That really sucks.
I have read that shrimp are prone to not fare well with shipping. All the other stuff sounds so cool, I have never even seen half of it advertised I don't think.


Active Member
Well, I still haven't seen that porcelain crab <_< but, I guess that he will come out in a while. DANG i forgot to --- it when I had the chance :-(
Well, the ghost shrimp are very busy...the chiton dug inot the sand(WIERD)... the urchin kinda flattened itself, but that is because it is in a very high flow part of the tank, I suppose...
Well, I am gonna go stare at my tank after I check my e-mail ;-)


Active Member
Staring at your tank sounds like a great idea.

How often is your jawfish out of it's hole? Does it spend most of the day with the hole covered or does he bob his head in and out like a gopher all day long?


Active Member
well, generallly he stays out, but some days I guess he just is tired so he stays in his hole. Or whenever I do work in the tank he comes out, because that is generally when I feed him. But since this order came in, he hasn't poked his head in his hole once. He sits outside of his hole ALL DAY! It is funny, because when he sees a ghost shrimp, he immediately tries to eat it. But they always scoot back before he grabs a hold. he tried to take a nible off of the medusa worm, but spat it out really quickly...he doesn't like those hooks :)


Active Member
I picked up a White Anemone crab today but had to rig up some seperate housing for the little guy so he won't be lunch for whom ever is eating the crabs in my tank. That will be his home until I get my next tank set-up.

Will you be getting another Pederson's shrimp Celac?


Active Member
From what I read they like softies and anemones (filter feeders but may also eat the mucous off the anemones/other corals which contain particulate matter) but for now I have some zoas and a shroom rock in his little specimin container. I fed him some cyplopeeze earlier during acclimation, I was excited to see he went after it! :cheer: Not sure what I will do in the 10 when I have it st up but I am thinking of going LPS, possibly doing an anemone for the main goal are some sexies, can't have those in my other tanks or they would be somebody's lunch.


Active Member
Celac, wish you were here!!! I am setting up a Jawfish tank, and you being the Jawfish guy 'round these parts could be offering up lots of good advice. :joy:


Active Member
You will have so much fun with him/her. We just got back from our trip. I haven't seen my jawfish yet, but then again he likes to hide, but I hope he is ok. :-(


Active Member
How was your vacation? Did see/catch anything good?
I hoipe your Jaw is Ok too, propbably just hiding.
I will have to post a pic of the tank set-up for you to critique. :joy: My live rock order is being delivered today, yipee!!


Active Member
actually, I saw a few things that I have never seen before, but we only were able to get in the water1 day! :-( But i did see a manatee, and an octopus, and various other criters that one day.


Active Member
Wow, that is some great stuff to see all in one day. What was the reason for only snorkeling one day?
Have you seen your fish yet? How is everything else in the tank doing?
Here are a couple of pictures, tell me what you think of the Jaws deep should I go in that section? Right now it is about 4 inches in the front, 5 in the back.



Active Member
That looks great, good job with the egg crate, I wish I had done that with my tank!
As for the depth, if he is the only thing that is gonna be in the tank, I would go as deep as you want, especially since that tank looks deeper than it is wide.
Nope, I havn't seen him yet. Also my chiton died...I think...


Active Member
Oh no! I hope it is a false alarm.....have you smelled it or anything to know for sure or can you just not find it? Have you tested your water parameters?
The tank is funky- 24 inches tall, 20 inches wide with a depth of 10 inches which will make for some tricky aquascaping. I picked up some thin pieces and epoxied them to make the 'retaining wall' and then built the egg crate to make a higher mound with the rock. Not sure what I will be getting today, that is the big mystery....either way I will need more rock for sure but you have to start somewhere right??
I think I will also plant some macroalgae, one or more types of caulerpa since I read Jaws do well in tanks in caulerpa for some reason. My Yasha Hashe goby will be going in here as well to get him away from his bully.